Tuesday, June 19, 2012

God Works Out All Things For Good

So far, I have been praying consistently for two days.  I start off with praise, then I pray for someone else's salvation, then I pray for myself and my needs.  If I still have time left, I just vent.  Respectfully, of course.  Since Jesus is the creator of the universe, it's best not to be rude and use expletives and insults.  Acts 5:1-11 chronicles how Ananias and Sapphira were struck down for disrespecting God by lying to Him.  Unlike the "smiting by lightning bolt" stereotype (which actually comes from Greek mythology and is not biblical), God didn't bother with anything flashy.  He just made them drop dead.  So you have to be careful. 

That being said, God knows what is on your heart and wants to hear how you really feel.  The Psalms is evidence for that, where its authors pour out every fear and grievance that they have at God's feet.  Then, after they do that, they come to a deeper faith with God and understand that, although not everything will go their way, God will work it all out for their good.  As I follow their example, I am rediscovering that, in my trials, God will do the same.