Thursday, September 1, 2011

Leave Vader alone!

I've always wondered why the original Star Wars trilogy can't be left alone. Those movies are three of the best films ever made (unlike the prequels, although "Revenge of the Sith" was better than a lot of people give it credit for). Yet every time "Star Wars" makes the news, George Lucas is making yet another edit. I'll admit, the Special Edition films that came out in the 1990s were a substantial improvement. I especially loved the revamped Cloud City scenes and the Wampa. However, his later edits prove that if you sharpen a knife too much, you'll weaken it, and the "Star Wars" knife has finally been broken, as you can see at the link below:

The best and most dramatic scene in the series ruined! Ruined I say! Why couldn't he have added a scene with Jar-Jar getting fried to death by the Emperor for the Blu-Ray release instead?! He would have become a trillionaire!

Let this be a lesson to all of you in writing, film, art, heck, any hobby/profession whatsoever. If the thing ain't broke, don't fix it!