Monday, January 26, 2015

Royal Rumble! How Anthony Johnson Inspired Me to Continue My Battle For Purity

This past Saturday, Alexander "The Mauler" Gustafsson and Anthony "Rumble" Johnson faced off to decide who would get the next title shot against Jon Jones.  I thought that Gustafsson would pick Johnson apart to win a unanimous decision.  I was wrong.  Johnson smashed him within the first round.  As much as I was disappointed that Gustafsson lost, Johnson gave me hope.  The man known as "Rumble" is my age and on his way to accomplishing his dream, despite being cut by the UFC a couple of years ago after being crushed by Vitor Belfort.  This event taught me that, if it's God's Will, it's never too late to turn things around.  That's why I'm grateful to"Rumble" for inspiring me to continue my quest to stay pure for my wife, in spite of the fact that I am turning 30 this year and have no romantic prospects whatsoever. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

I Have A Dream: Please Pray That I Become Purity's Martin Luther King, Jr.

Happy Early Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Everyone!

I just watched Dr. King's "I Have A Dream" speech.  As a Christian black man myself, I truly admire the fact that Dr. King lived out his faith through using the gospel to fight for Civil Rights.  He wasn't obsessed with racial pride, nor did he create an "Evil White Guy" boogeyman as a tool to exploit his own community for personal gain.  Instead, he fought not only for equality for all, but also for fellowship and brotherhood between people of all colors.  The reason why he was so effective was that he used the power of the gospel to change America for the better.

And that's why I am asking you all to pray for me tomorrow, on Dr. King's birthday, so that I am empowered to change people for the better with the gospel.

My mission is to free people from slavery to lust by encouraging them to wait until marriage before having sex and to stay faithful to their spouses "Til Death Do Them Part."  I want them to reject the world's lie that "sexual freedom" means recklessly screwing everything that moves.  Many of my peers have believed that lie and guess what it got them?  Divorce, addiction, Baby Momma Drama, and death of either themselves via disease or their kids in abortion clinics.  Some of my peers are so "burnt out" by repeatedly having their hearts' dismembered that they don't even want to get married in the first place.  Others are so traumatized that they have become suicidal.

I want to show people what true love and sexual freedom is by remaining a virgin until I am married and staying faithful to my wife "Til Death Do Us Part."  In particular, I want to reach young men, because we receive very little encouragement from the church and our parents to stay pure so that we can truly love and lead (yes, that's right, LEAD) our families with integrity and truth.  I want to free us from evil influences on TV and the internet who want to turn us and our female friends into a generation of perverted psychopaths that they can exploit for financial gain.

I have a dream that, through the gospel, my generation, and the one after it, can experience "The Sexual Force Unleashed" and "Romantic World Peace" within Christ-centered marriages.  Please pray that the Holy Spirit purifies me and uses me to help young men and women achieve this goal, so that, one day, in God-honoring, OPPOSITE-sex marriages, they can say:     

"Free at last!  Free at last!  Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"  


Monday, January 12, 2015

Spiritual Jiu-Jitsu: Rolling With God To Stay Pure Through Devotionals

When I taught Krav Maga, my fellow instructors and the adult students would often "roll" (the grappling equivalent of sparring) with each other to practice the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu aspect of the Israeli martial art.  Rolling was not only lots of fun, but it also helped us develop our groundfighting techniques.

For twelve days straight, I have been "rolling" with God through doing Spiritual Jiu-Jitsu, which is better known as devotionals.

This is something I have not yet mastered.  For the majority of my life, I primarily cried out to God if I wanted something or was in a crisis situation where I was completely screwed.  That, quite frankly, is as shallow as only talking to your wife when you want sex (or, if you're a lady, only talking to your husband when you want him to buy you stuff).  This year, I decided to change that and develop a meaningful relationship with Christ, not least because I want to be a pure and godly husband for my future wife.  Other reasons why I got serious this year was because:

1) I turn 30 this year and realize that I have accomplished very little for God (or in any other area of my life) during my young adult years.  My last major success was getting a Christian short story published when I was 25.  While many crises have happened in my life which were beyond my control, I also did a lot of stupid things and squandered many valuable opportunities, which made my situation even worse.  I will write the full story in a memoir called "That Was Then, This Is Now."

In other words, keeping my virginity is the only victory I currently have, which is one reason why I am clinging on to it so adamantly. 

2) Joseph, one of my favorite historical figures, became Prime Minister of Egypt at 30.  This was after Joseph spent at least 2 years languishing in jail.  His master's wife got him imprisoned because she wanted to screw his brains out and he wouldn't let her.  So she lied and claimed he tried to rape her (which is why I always tell guys never to hang out alone with a girl-whatever she says happened, happened).  This was already after his own brothers sold him into slavery to begin with.  When Joseph was 30, God vindicated him for always staying faithful, particularly in regards to his purity, by making him Prime Minister of Egypt.  I don't think I'll ever run for public office, but I do believe that this is the year that God will vindicate me as well IF I remain faithful to Him.

3) Jesus, my Savior, started His ministry when He was 30.  Since I want to honor Him, 30 sounds like a good age to get everything back on track.

Obviously, doing this is no cake walk.  The last thing our culture wants is another godly man who refuses to join or condone the antics of the Lewd World Order.  Satan and his demons don't want an authentic Christian who will rescue more soul-trafficking victims from their "Brothel of the Damned" through the gospel.  On top of that, my own heart will continue to wage the fleshly jihad of lust against my soul until I die.  In order to succeed, I must continue to do my Spiritual Jiu-Jitsu sessions with God for the rest of my life.  If I do, not only will I experience "The Sexual Force Unleashed" and "Romantic World Peace" within marriage, but I will also lead others to Christ, the only One Who can give eternal life.   

Genesis 32: 24-28, "So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man.

Then the man said, 'Let me go, for it is daybreak.'

But Jacob replied, 'I will not let you go unless you bless me.'

The man asked him, 'What is your name?'

'Jacob,' he answered.

Then the man said, 'Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.'” (NIV)


Monday, January 5, 2015

Stop Being Fake: Why Being Authentically Pure Is Important For Your Christian Witness

At UFC 182, a world champion, who is also a professing Christian, fought a man with whom he's been feuding for years.  He prayed before entering the cage and prayed one more time before the start of the final round.  About five minutes later, not only did he sucker-punch his opponent after the bell, but he also did the D-X "Suck It" gesture to him in front of an audience which included women and kids.

This champion has long faced criticism for acting like a nice, wholesome guy in public and behaving differently behind the scenes.  His opponent once gave him a backhanded compliment by saying that he was really good at being fake.  At this fight (and events leading up to it, including a brawl at a publicity event), not only did the champion's actions validate what his detractors said about him, but it left a bad taste in the mouth of a public that has already become suspicious and hostile towards anyone who claims to be a Christian.

In a similar manner, when a Christian claims to be sold-out for Jesus, but their sexual behavior says otherwise, they publicly embarrass the Savior Whom they claim to worship.  A google search on your smartphone will bring up an entire Rogue's Gallery of pastors and priests who've destroyed their testimony through affairs.  This doesn't even include the ones who have taken it even further and committed unspeakable criminal acts against their congregation members.  It's not just the men, anymore, either: on several Christian radio and TV programs, I've heard testimonies of women who've cheated on their husbands, often with another church member.  When it comes to young people, many of my peers in the church have admitted to throwing away their V-card before marriage, usually in their teens or early in college.  Suffice it to say that many of them haven't learned their lesson.

Even though I am a virgin, I tried very hard to lose my V-card in college.  I even joined a frat and drank heavily in repeated attempts to get equally drunk young women into the sack, all of which failed due to divine intervention and really bad social skills.  During this time, I met several fellow Christian "Two-Faces" and my reprehensible behavior validated theirs.  I am ashamed to say that I embarrassed Jesus on a nightly basis, leading my frat brothers and other drinking buddies to openly ridicule me whenever I tried to witness to them.  Their mockery was their way of letting me know that I was really good at being fake.

You may be really good at being fake, but sooner or later, your true colors will reveal themselves.  In particular, if you try to have a lifestyle of fake purity, you will get busted.  At the very least, your ex-lovers will gossip about you to all of their friends and your reputation will turn off anyone whom you try to witness to.  Rest assured, that kind of slander spreads faster than an angry celebrity's rant on Twitter.  If you are really unlucky, you may get exposed by a paternity test, getting knocked up, or prescription slips for STD meds.  And thanks to the Internet, you can get busted in all sorts of new, hi-speed, wireless ways.  Your ex might Instagram photos of you in various states of undress or put them on Facebook.  That "private video" of you two going at it might even wind up in cyberspace.  Try witnessing to someone after they see you bending the new Sunday School teacher over a desk on Youtube and see how far that gets you.

Needless to say that, if you decide to take it even further and commit criminal acts, a simple 911 call will result in you giving your testimony to Big Bubba (or Big Bertha), in the prison showers (Ouch...).

So don't be good at being fake!  Be authentic and dedicate yourself fully to a life of purity so that you can lead others to Christ.

Rev 3:15-16, "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!  So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." (NIV)               



Friday, January 2, 2015

Surviving Arkham! How Jesus Helped Me Complete My Fast!

Happy Belated New Year and Christmas, Everyone!

Just wanted to let you all know that at 3:04 p.m. on December 27th of last year, Christ gave me the strength to complete my fast for my future wife.  Here is a brief synopsis of what happened.

Day 1 (12/23 at 3:00 to 12/24 at 3:00)-I missed out on my "last meal" because of sheer stupidity, so I had nothing in my stomach when I went to work that night.  It was awful: people were offering free food (popcorn and chocolate) for the holidays and on top of that, several December birthdays were being celebrated at our Christmas gift exchange, so there were three cakes.  I actually stepped outside during this time because I was getting cranky and didn't want to take it out on my coworkers.
It was late this night that Jesus gave me a new focus for my fast: to pray that my wife has living faith in Him (I haven't met her yet, so I don't know whether or not she is saved).

Everything else I wanted (including mind-blowing sex), would fall into place if she received that.

Day 2 (12/24 at 3:00 to 12/25 at 3:00)-This was my first ever Christmas Eve candlelight service.  During it, my friend Trav invited me over to have cocoa and cookies with his family.  I was all for it, thinking that I could resist the temptation to break my fast and just drink water.  Then I remembered how I had thought the same thing during my first ever attempt to fast.  Back then, an acquaintance from a different church invited me to his family's new place to watch Summerslam and they ordered pizza.  Suffice it to say that pepperoni laid the Smackdown on my desire for spiritual growth.  So sadly, I had to bow out of cookies and cocoa.  Next year, though, I hope Trav has some oatmeal raisin handy...

Day 3 (12/25 at 3:00-12/26 at 3:00)-On Christmas Day, I received a container full of chocolates as a gift and later, found out my Mom had included gingerbread in the package she and Dad had sent.  I put both in the fridge so I wouldn't be tempted.  I didn't do much except walk around a local park.  This was a mistake because lots of families were having picnics and playing soccer.  I simply did my best not to enjoy the smells until I went back home at nightfall, only to wake up covered in insect bites (I made sure to spray my room down later).

Day 4 (12/26 at 3:00-12/27 at 3:04).  Starting a little after 3:00 on 12/26, I felt a strong urge to quit.  I thought that I heard the Holy Spirit telling me that I had done enough and that I could quit.  I repeatedly said that if I stopped before the four days were finished, that I would look stupid, so I continued anyway.  Not to mention that that "still small voice" may have been my stomach trying to counterfeit God's voice to make me give up.

It was during that time that I experienced the hardest part of fasting: psychological torture.  This is where all of your inner demons (namely, wicked things that people have done to you and even worse, wicked things you've done to other people) come roaring out of your subconsciousness to disembowel your soul.  For my fellow superhero fans, this is basically the mental version of Batman fighting his way through Arkham Asylum.  Only, you're Batman (or Catwoman for you ladies-Batgirl sucks...).  How did I make it through?  Forgiveness and repentance, and turning my past over to Christ.  That is the only way to make it through.

After waking up on the 27th, I went to the library, which I spent watching things such as the promos of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" and "Avengers 2" on Youtube.  It was while I was watching clips on Youtube which mirrored what I was experiencing that I felt convicted to spend my last half hour of fasting in prayer.  So I dedicated five minutes of prayer to each thing I wanted for me and my future wife (grace, love, justice, and truth).  Then I spent the rest of the time praying for my future wife to have living faith.  At the end, outside, I had a vision (or at least, a really vivid memory) of Stone Cold beating Shawn Michaels for the WWE title (back when it was known as the WWF title) at Wrestlemania 14.  I believe that this was confirmation from God that my fast was a success.  I celebrated by listening to "Born Again" by Newsboys, because I felt like a completely new person once the fast was over. 

I have no idea when (or where) I will meet my future wife.  However, when I do, I look forward to hearing about the miracles that God will do in her life because of this fast.

Ephesians 5:25-28 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her  to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.  In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself." (NIV)