Thursday, August 1, 2013

August MMA Prayer Project: Fallon Fox!

Since I am primarily praying for MMA fighters now, my celebrity projects have been renamed MMA prayer projects.  This month, I will be praying for the salvation of Fallon Fox.  God has made it clear through His Word that only He has the authority to determine your gender (Genesis 1:27).  That's why I believe that Fox has every right to fight in the men's division.  However, many people forget that God also loves everyone so much that He sent His Son to die for us so that we can have eternal life (John 3:16).  When Fallon Fox meets his Maker, his final destiny will not be determined by whether or not he has had a sex change operation.  It will be determined by whether or not he has accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior.  So this month, I will pray every day that Fox has an encounter with the Messiah so that he can live in paradise forever.  

(Photo from

Ronda Rousey Prayer Project II Complete!

Last night, I focused on praying that Ronda Rousey would receive the gospel from Chris Weidman and his wife.  As I prayed, Fallon Fox came to mind.  I believe that after Ronda Rousey is saved, she is going to "pass it forward" and witness to Fallon Fox.  However, only God knows what the future holds. 

Earlier this morning, I read an article on Yahoo!Sports in which the Muhammad Ali of Women's MMA sternly rebuked a fan for asking a question about her sex life.  Does this mean that she has been born again yet?  No.  Nonetheless, it is a very positive sign.  As the second clip from a previous time period indicates, such a question would not have been handled with the same maturity that Rousey is showing now.  I'm now a big Ronda Rousey fan as a result and look forward to following her career further.

The following link goes to the article.  Please be aware that the second clip is somewhat raunchy.