Saturday, March 23, 2019

BAD NEWS: You Are Your Coworkers' Enemy!

Slaves of Christ know the truth: that only submission to Jesus Christ leads to escape from the Lake of Fire, and sharing in His victory.  Everyone else believes that whoever dies with the most toys wins (the title of "most pious, self-denying, and transcendent individual" is also a toy).  Due to this, from the perspective of your coworkers, YOU ARE AN ENEMY!

This doesn't mean you can't build healthy relationships and friendships in the office.  However, it does mean that those will be few and far between.  This will especially be the case when you become the top performer in the office.  Being the top performer in the office (whichever field you are in), makes you the UFC champion, and when that happens, YOU WILL BE A MARKED MAN/WOMAN! 

Many of these people will try to get you fired.  In some areas of the world, some will try to get you arrested, deported or executed. 

This will be especially the case if people find out you are a slave of Christ.  Ruthlessly ambitious people hate Jesus Christ.  They want to be their own "gods."   

"Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves." (Matthew 10:16, ESV)

In order to survive, you must pray, read your Bible, and seek out other sincere, authentic believers.  You must also guard your heart and root out all sin so that you don't give your enemies the tools they need to destroy you.  These things are essential in order to ensure that you can earn true rewards in eternity, and lead others to Christ so that they can escape from the Lake of Fire.  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.*  

*Romans 6:23 (ESV)