Monday, September 30, 2013

Sarah Kaufman Prayer Project Complete!

I finished praying for Sarah Kaufman's salvation while I was making breakfast.  I have found that, if I wait until nighttime to pray, I will fall asleep.  However, if I pray in the morning or early afternoon, I will do it successfully.  Additionally, I am going on long walks now.  This allows me to pray as well as get some fresh air and exercise.  These walks allowed me to catch up on sessions which I missed. 

I will still pray for MMA fighters.  That being said, God is leading me to shift my focus elsewhere.  October will be the last month in which I pray for an MMA fighter for fifteen minutes a day.  After that, I will scale it back to five minutes a day.  Starting in November, my fifteen-minute prayer sessions will be for the royal family and political leadership of Great Britain.  I studied abroad there when I was in college and would love to see a revival of the gospel in that wonderful nation.  I have faith that, through earnest and steadfast prayer, such a revival will come to past.