Monday, June 17, 2019

"We're Not The One" Series Coming Soon!

In order to be good Alpha males and Omega males, we must hold ourselves accountable first.

I just did a 7-part blog series on how to tell if a woman is the "one."  Now it's our turn.  As men, we are the LEADERS of the family and the church.  That is not misogyny or sexism.  It is godly leadership based on love and truth.  For this reason, we must be extra accountable so ensure that we are not hypocritical in our leadership.  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.**

***Romans 6:23 (ESV)

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy Father's Day! What Your Most Important Job Is As The Head Of Household

Being a good father is a blessing and a MASSIVE responsibility.  You are the leader of your household and your word is law, as long as you don't contradict Jesus Christ.  However, the safety of everyone who lives in your household is ON YOU!  That means you are the one who has to protect your family from:

-Wild Animals
-Natural Disasters
-Disease Epidemics
-Everything other horrible thing that can possibly happen

So being a leader doesn't look like so much fun now, does it?  


When you get married and have kids, you have no choice be to lead.  If you are the man in the complementary-gender union (an actual, genetic male), then you are the leader.  Period.  No ifs, ands, or buts.  That means you must do everything in your power to LEAD YOUR FAMILY TO CHRIST.

This includes, but is not limited to:

-Marrying a godly woman (an actual, genetic female of legal age)
-Choosing a Christ-centered church
-Dragging said family to a Christ-centered church, kicking and screaming (if they don't like it, they can MOVE!)
-Protecting your family from all threats.  Yes, that's right.  YOU MUST DIE FOR THEM IF NECESSARY!
-Providing food, shelter, clothing, education, and medical care (even if it means working five jobs)
-Staying sexually pure (No porn, no monkey-spanking, no mistresses, no brothels and no orgies)
-Casting out family members who are abusive or addicts.  If they abuse their relatives or do drugs or break the law, THROW THEM OUT!

And that's the real reason why you have veto power on family decisions, get sweet love from your wife three times a week (sodomy excluded), and can sit on the sofa while your kids mow the lawn and do the dishes.  Because you are the protector.  The provider.  The leader* who will show them Jesus Christ with your life.  For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.**

*Women are allowed to lead in public office, scientific research, business, academia and all other areas outside of the church and the family.  Leadership in the family and church must be male-only, though.   
**Romans 6:23 (ESV)

She's Not The One Post #7: Colonel Sanders Is Her Personal Trainer


That being said, we are called to take proper care of our bodies. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.*

One way of doing this is to have a healthy diet and to exercise properly.  It's not about being dead sexy: it's about living long so that you can tell as many people about Christ as possible.  People who diet and exercise live much longer, healthier lives than people who...don't.  So if your future wife thinks the major food groups are deep-fried, chocolate-covered, cream-filled, extra cheese, and double scoop, then friendzone her!  She can't be your help meet if she is constantly in the hospital having self-inflicted quadruple bypass surgeries.  Also, don't be a hypocrite: make sure that you are laying off the sweet stuff, too!  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord!**

*1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (ESV)
**Romans 6:23 (ESV)

Sunday, March 31, 2019

She's Not The One Post #6: Captain Morgan And Nic O'Tine Are Her BFFs


An addict is anyone who uses anything other than a relationship with Jesus Christ to make themselves feel pleasure.  These things include:

-Drugs (Including Weed)
-Excessive use of prescription meds and painkillers
-Porn (This includes "Fifty Shades of Grey")
-Excessive or perverted sexual activity (which is anything outside of a one-man, one-woman marriage, anything which is violent, anything that involves multiple partners or swinging, anything that involves shaky electronic devices, anything that occurs during her "time of the month", and anything that involves sticking things where the sun don't shine)
-Hobbies/work indulged in excess (including sports, shopping, social media and video games)
-Food and drink indulged in excess

Remember, an addict's vice is their idol.  It's more important to them than Jesus Christ is.  And if they put it before Jesus, they will put it before you and your marriage! 

Don't try to save them.  You're job is not to be Dr. Phil.  You're job is to glorify and honor Jesus Christ, and to do that, you must marry a godly, sober-minded woman who puts Him above all else.  That way, you both can have a Christ-centered, one-man, one-woman marriage, and lead people to surrender to Jesus Christ so that He will spare them from an eternity of torture and suffering in the Lake of Fire.  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.*

*Romans 6:23

Saturday, March 30, 2019

She's Not The One Post #5: She Lives In A Casino



But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.  For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.*

In other words, it is wrong to be GREEDY, and a woman who's SOLE PURPOSE for marrying a man is his wealth is GREEDY.  Greed is the worship of wealth, making "gods" out of gold, silver, Iphones, mansions, fancy restaurants, etc.  None of these things are bad in and of themselves.  But if you treat them as "gods", then you will go insane.  

And if this is what the woman you love does, she will go insane, too.

So if the woman you like is a gambler, a swindler, a gold-digger, goes shopping every single day, and her bffs are credit cards, DUMP HER!  Your marriage won't last.  In my country, if you marry her, her debt becomes yours!  Why should you bail her own of her self-inflicted bankruptcy?  And if you work overseas, be especially wary.  While there are Cinderellas out there (women of integrity who come from humble origins), you also run into a lot of Ursulas (women who pretend to love you because they want to spend your money).  Like their male counterparts, Ursulas are self-centered and traitorous.  If they find someone richer than you, they'll drop you.  If they spend all your money and get you into debt, they'll drop you.  That ring you put on their finger won't stop them.  The number one sign a woman (regardless of which country she is from) is an Ursula is that she is MUCH YOUNGER THAN YOU AND SMOKING HOT!  Here are some realistic guidelines when it comes to marrying a Cinderella in her twenties:

If you are 20-29: Possible, if you stay focused on Jesus Christ.
If you are 30-35: Less likely, but it's happened.
If you are 35-39: Bro, you're reaching...

In other words, if you are over 30 and lots of smoking hot women in their twenties are chasing you around, the majority of them are Ursulas who want your money!  

So in order to make sure you don't get fleeced, ask Jesus Christ whether or not you should pursue a particular woman, ESPECIALLY a much younger, smoking hot woman.  He'll let you know if she is a Cinderella or an Ursula, and give you the thumbs-up or thumbs-down.  When you marry a woman who is responsible with money, and loves you to glorify and honor Christ, then you will work together to form a Christ-centered, one-man, one-woman marriage.  Then you will lead others to completely and unconditionally surrender to Jesus Christ so that He will spare them from the Lake of Fire.  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.**

*1 Timothy 6: 9-10 (ESV)
**Romans 6:23 (ESV)

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

She's Not The One Post #4: She's Allergic To Clothing

Vanity is an equal opportunity employer.  Anyone (male or female) who likes to show off their body in public is doing it FOR. THE.  ATTENTION!!!!

Obviously, a woman isn't easy just because she doesn't dress like Mother Teresa.  That being said, a woman who walks around in yoga pants and posts belfies on Instagram is probably the same as the men who follow her (online and in-person): of inferior moral caliber.  And quite frankly, it's not because they are insecure.  It's actually the opposite: they have TOO MUCH self-esteem.

In math terms, too much self-esteem = arrogance.

Arrogance + marriage = your wife divorcing you to sleep with a man half your age when you get love handles.

So find a woman who is modest.  I want to make it clear that modest does not always mean pure.  Sometimes, it is a trick used by Apex Predators so they can attract and bed Christian men.  However, modesty is a great sign of a woman who is HUMBLE.

In math terms, humble = low maintenance.

Low maintenance + marriage = your wife still riding you when you are 85 years old.  Age is just a number when Jesus Christ is supernaturally empowering your sex life.*

On top of that, people (both male and female) who are humble tend to watch their diet and exercise.  Nobody stays 21 forever BUT it's been scientifically proven that diet and exercise can significantly delay the aging process.

Not to mention that humble women can spot a male gold-digger a mile off and steer clear of them.**  Loyalty is a trait valued by the humble.

Immodesty is bad fruit, and you need to pay attention so that you don't get royally screwed in divorce court later. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit.*** So if the woman you are interested in looks like she is a nudist in training, BEWARE!  She only cares about her body being worshiped by others, and idolatry and Christ-centered marriage don't mix.  If you marry someone like this, it will be nearly impossible for you two to lead others to surrender to Jesus Christ so that they can be saved from an eternity in the Lake of Fire.  So recognize the good fruit of the humble, and marry a woman who puts Jesus Christ before her own desires (like you should be doing).  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.****

*Jesus Christ will only do this if you and your spouse are keeping your sex life within the confines of a Christ-centered, one-man, one-woman marriage.

**Humble, mature people recognize the truth about temptation: that if a younger, more attractive individual corners them in a hotel room and comes on to them, they're toast.  So they are smart enough not to give the Big Game Hunter the opportunity: when it comes to purity, to borrow a quote from The Karate Kid 2, "Best block is no be there."

***Matthew 7:18 (ESV)

**** Romans 6:23 (ESV)

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

She;s Not The One Post #3: She Doesn't Want Kids

"A weapons' company that doesn't make weapons?!" Jim Cramer flipped out in his cameo in Iron Man 1 when he found out Stark Industries was shutting down it's bread-and-butter product, weapons.  Then he urged everyone to sell the stock.

Now, in context, Tony Stark (played expertly by Robert Downey, Jr.), had good reasons for doing this.  But when it comes to practical application, a company that doesn't do what it is designed to do is a failure!  Imagine going into a McDonald's and hearing them say:

"Sorry, we don't make Big Macs anymore.  It takes too long and it's too oppressive.  But you can pay us for one anyway and take selfies in our lobby."

You'd probably leave and go to Burger King. 

It's just as absurd to marry a woman who doesn't want kids.  That's like paying a McDonald's  to just sit in the lobby and take selfies.  Contrary to popular belief, Jesus Christ didn't give women breasts so that their beau can motorboat them, nor did He give the fairer sex periods so that the employees of Always and Kotex could have job security.  He did it because He gave women the honor and responsibility of childbirth*!

"But that's sexist!"

No, it's not.  Motherhood is actually very good on-the-job training if a woman decides to have a career in her chosen field at a later date, and she can complete her undergraduate and master's degree long before her fertility peaks in her late twenties. 

Having been a manager, I can vouch for the former since many of my former employees acted like preschool children.  Wait, scratch that.  Preschool children actually follow directions if you ask them enough times.

Anyways, children are a blessing from Jesus Christ and anyone (male or female) who chooses not to have them is:

2) Vain
3) Immature
4) Irresponsible

Gee, those are great qualities for a spouse to have...NOT!

Just remember: Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth.**

In other words, a woman who doesn't want kids IS LIKE A WEAPONS' COMPANY THAT DOESN'T MAKE WEAPONS!

Don't buy stock in that company by marrying it, and don't pay McDonald's staff if they won't make you a Big Mac.  Find a woman who is selfless, humble, mature, and responsible, and marry her, and have children with her AFTER you tie the knot.  Then you can preach the gospel by raising a loving family, and show people Jesus Christ so that they can surrender to Him and be saved from the Lake of Fire.  

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.***

*For that matter, that's the real reason Jesus Christ designed the donk: carrying a baby around for nine months of a time requires quite a bit of hip-strength.

**Psalms 127:4 (ESV)

***Romans 6:23 (ESV)