"Do you know what the only thing you need to get a college degree is? A good memory."
I learned this from a man whom I will call Pastor Alfred, who had earned his DOCTORATE! I want to make it clear that education is VALUABLE. In the modern-day USA, it's nearly impossible to get a job without at least a B.A. or B.S. from a university. That being said, knowledge needs to be applied to be useful. It's like raw chicken, and proper application is like an oven. If you eat it after it comes out of the oven, then it's a valuable source of protein and nutrition. If you eat it before you put it in the oven, then it's a valuable source of salmonella!
Wisdom is applied knowledge. It is the chicken after it's been roasted in the oven until it is tender and juicy. And when it comes to protecting Christ-centered, one-man, one-woman marriages, it is essential that you have all the protein and nutrition that you can get. It's REALLY difficult to preach the gospel if you gave yourself intellectual salmonella through not using your knowledge properly.
For example, Jesus Christ made it clear from the male and female genitals that His plan for marriage is between one-man and one-woman. A man's penis and a woman's vagina FIT together. The nerve-endings in each organ even match up exactly. That being said, running up to a stranger and calling them a "F---ing Motherf-----" before explaining this will get you in a shouting match, a fist fight, or worse.
The wise thing to do is look for an opportunity to politely and respectfully give them the gospel. Then, AFTER they surrender to Jesus Christ, you can go over human biology 101 with them. Remember, if you convince them that marriage is one man and one woman united by Jesus Christ, but they never surrender to Him as God, Lord, and King, then THEY WILL STILL BURN IN THE LAKE OF FIRE FOREVER!
Complete and unconditional surrender to Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to receive eternal life, and that is why marriage needs to be protected in the first place. It is a living, breathing, arrow that points to THAT FACT. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.*
*Romans 6:23