What do Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob have in common?
They were all RICH! All of the patriarchs had thousands of cattle (the agricultural equivalent of high-yielding stocks) and were loaded. So it's not wrong to be rich.
However, it IS evil to be greedy!
Greed is the worship of wealth. God gave us financial resources in order to purchase food, clothing, medicine, and other essential items needed to keep us alive so that we can surrender to His Son, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Money was NEVER intended to be an end in and of itself. In other words, MONEY IS NOT "god"! Jesus Christ is. And if we worship money, we have created an idol in His place, and will incur His wrath!
That being said, it is also wrong to demonize money. Remember, it is a valuable tool for getting resources that we need to stay in good physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health so that we can preach the gospel. It is much easier to show people who Jesus is so that they can be spared from burning in the Lake of Fire forever and protect Christ-centered one-man, one-woman marriages if we aren't starving to death! So if Jesus Christ has blessed you with the "golden goose" (i.e. riches received through HONEST gain, such as a job, an inheritance from a diligent ancestor, or through inventing something that benefits all of mankind), and you're not a greedy, selfish jerk, then you don't have to burn all your worldly possessions, move to a cave in Utah, and live off elk to be a good Christian. All you have to do is use your wealth as a tool to preach the gospel, and in order to do this, you should:
1) Pray
2) Read a properly translated Bible such as the ESV, NASB, KJV, NKJV, and NIV
3) Seek godly counsel (this excludes greedy, selfish jerks cleverly pretending to be pastors - real pastors won't feel entitled to your money, because THEY AREN'T!)
4) Use wisdom and discernment. Make sure that whatever ministry that you give to is using it for God's purposes and is transparent with their account activity and the third-parties that they have contracts with.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord*
*Romans 6:23