Years ago, I worked at a major training school in East Asia. In order to get promoted to a higher level of pay (which I will simply call "Level 2"), we had to complete additional online training modules. One night, I planned to stay after work to complete these modules.
"You're off duty. You can always do it later." A "friend" whom I will simply call Hecuba, told me.
I listened to her, and long story short, I got caught up in the daily grind at work and forgot about it. By the time I remembered and tried to catch up, it was too late. Due to upper management decisions, several additional exams and modules were added to Level 2, to the point where every time I did one requirement, another was added, and I eventually gave up. In contrast, a colleague hired at the same time as me (whom I will simply call Margot) stayed after work and did the training at the start of our contract. She got Level 2, the accompanying rise in pay, and access to more fun teaching modules.
As it turns out, Hecuba already was Level 2 due to her master's degree and for that reason, didn't value it. There was also a conflict of interest. I actually wanted to stay in the country, grow in the company, and get promoted. Hecuba just wanted to collect her check and return home with as little effort as possible. I learned the lesson of Proverbs 13:20* the hard way:
Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise,
but the companion of fools will suffer harm.*
Procrastinating is ALWAYS a foolish decision. I can't count how many times I've screwed myself over by putting things off until the last minute. So now I do things right away, especially if they are essential but simple. And I avoid fools who tell me to "do it later." This is because where there is smoke, there is fire. Long story short, this was only the beginning of Hecuba's negative influence. I eventually had to end the friendship because of all the trouble it was causing me. Immediately after I did it, I felt a huge burden lift off my shoulders, and my life improved significantly. I'm not saying that we should kick people to the curb just because they make a mistake once in a while. But if someone is committing a "relational felony," such as:
A) Undermining your performance at work or school
B) Trying to lure you into drinking, doing drugs, sleeping around, or hanging out with violent people
C) Trying to tempt you into breaking the law
D) Anything similar to the above
Then you HAVE to get rid of them, because if you don't, before you know it, you will do something really stupid. Then your Christian witness will be wrecked, and rest assured, your "friends" aren't going to help you out of the hole that they helped you dig. Remember, if we don't have a blameless life, we can't protect Christ-centered one-man, one-woman marriages. If we allow Satan to destroy this holy sacrament, then we will lose one of our greatest tools to lead others to Christ so that they don't burn in the Lake of Fire forever. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.**
**Romans 6:23