"Whatever you do, never step past that line." One of my friends told me before he taught me how to use a handgun at the shooting range yesterday, "Even if you drop your gun, don't go get it. Just leave it there."
I understood the reason why instinctively: doing so would get me seriously injured or killed.
A gun is a powerful tool which can either be used for good (hunting for food and self-defense) or evil (murdering innocent people). Likewise, sex is a powerful tool, which can either be used for good (forming a lifelong friendship with your wife/husband, and, even better, experiencing the joy of raising children) or evil (crushing other people's hearts for your own personal gain, or worse, torturing people through unwanted, violent attacks). Like a shooting range, when it comes to our sexuality, there is a certain line we
should never cross. That line is a Christ-centered marriage to a loyal,
God-fearing, opposite-gender spouse. If you stay on the right side of that line (within marriage), you get the excitement and thrill of training with one of the most powerful tools God has given you. If you step "out onto the range" (i.e. outside of marriage, and this includes premarital "banging", pun intended), then you risk getting your head blown off. Most of us know instinctively that this will happen, but we temporarily "lose our crap" when we run into either:
A) A stacked 18-year-old babe with a "badonkadonk."
B) A ripped 27-year-old stud with the full "package" deal
Then we cross the line at the sexual shooting range, anyway, and become the headless horseman's long lost sibling.
The scariest part is that, with a gun, the consequences are immediate (you die). With sex, that's not necessarily the case: medical technology may prevent baby mama drama and biological MMA fighters known as "STDs" opening a can of whoop-tushy on your genitalia. But it will not prevent:
1) Divorce
2) Psycho exes
3) Jail time if your young hottie turns out to be a psycho and nails you with a phony rape charge, hoping to get Big Bubba to do her dirty work for her.
4) PTSD if your handsome, older crush gets mad that you won't do "those things" he has seen in hardcore porn and makes you do them anyway by raping you.
5) Spouses with guns if you are the "other man/woman"
Do not get riddled with the bullets of drama at the sexual shooting range! Stay on the right side of the line, and enjoy a lifetime of safe thrills by banging your lifelong best friend: your spouse!
"Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral." (Hebrews 13:4)
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Thursday, December 3, 2015
My Prayer For San Bernardino
Dear Heavenly Father,
Yesterday, an inexplicably evil attack was carried out at the Inland Regional Medical Center in San Bernardino, California. Fourteen people were killed and seventeen wounded by two cowardly psychopaths. I do not know whether or not this was a terrorist attack, Heavenly Father. However, in light of a similar attack in Paris (combined with the fact that, according to the LA Times, two armed suspects in the slaughter are named "Syed Farook" and "Tashfeen Malik"), this is serious cause for concern. At the same time, if this is proven to be an act of terror, I pray that You give us the wisdom to remember that not everyone who shares the heritage of those who carry out acts such as this condones them, or subscribes to the ideology that drives them.
Please forgive those of us who have attacked Your Character with bitter phrases such as "God Isn't Fixing This." I do not know whether or not this tragedy was permitted as divine judgment for our current state of moral decay or is simply a painful reminder of how evil the world that we live in truly is. I do acknowledge, on behalf of my country, the possibility that, in spiritually deporting You from our society, we may have forfeited Your protection from our enemies (which we have taken for granted for so long). In addition to comfort and healing for the victims, and justice to those who planned out this horrific crime, I pray that you soften the hearts of my fellow Americans so that they can hear the gospel and repent, so that they can spend eternity in heaven through faith in Jesus Christ. I also pray that you forgive Christians such as myself who have repeatedly failed to stand up for and live out the gospel, and strengthen us (as well as those who have faithfully served you) to tell our countrymen about the only One who can truly save and protect them: Jesus Christ, the Messiah!
I pray this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Amen!
Yesterday, an inexplicably evil attack was carried out at the Inland Regional Medical Center in San Bernardino, California. Fourteen people were killed and seventeen wounded by two cowardly psychopaths. I do not know whether or not this was a terrorist attack, Heavenly Father. However, in light of a similar attack in Paris (combined with the fact that, according to the LA Times, two armed suspects in the slaughter are named "Syed Farook" and "Tashfeen Malik"), this is serious cause for concern. At the same time, if this is proven to be an act of terror, I pray that You give us the wisdom to remember that not everyone who shares the heritage of those who carry out acts such as this condones them, or subscribes to the ideology that drives them.
Please forgive those of us who have attacked Your Character with bitter phrases such as "God Isn't Fixing This." I do not know whether or not this tragedy was permitted as divine judgment for our current state of moral decay or is simply a painful reminder of how evil the world that we live in truly is. I do acknowledge, on behalf of my country, the possibility that, in spiritually deporting You from our society, we may have forfeited Your protection from our enemies (which we have taken for granted for so long). In addition to comfort and healing for the victims, and justice to those who planned out this horrific crime, I pray that you soften the hearts of my fellow Americans so that they can hear the gospel and repent, so that they can spend eternity in heaven through faith in Jesus Christ. I also pray that you forgive Christians such as myself who have repeatedly failed to stand up for and live out the gospel, and strengthen us (as well as those who have faithfully served you) to tell our countrymen about the only One who can truly save and protect them: Jesus Christ, the Messiah!
I pray this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Amen!
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Anderson Cooper Prayer Project Complete! December Project: Myself!
It took several catch-up sessions, but I completed all of my November prayers for Anderson Cooper's salvation. On top of that, I finished the rest of my novel for NaNoWritMo (excluding some blanks for when I didn't have a Naming Book handy for new characters). That being said, I have decided to make this month's prayer project about me, so that I can finally defeat my Achilles' Heel, which I have nicknamed "Bane", after the supervillain who broke Batman's back.
Even after we are saved, Christians still have certain sins that constantly trip them up. Now don't panic: I am still a virgin, and am determined to maintain my Chastity Wrestlemania "Streak" intact until my wedding night. That being said, my spiritual "Bane" (which will be revealed in a future memoir called "That Was Then, This Is Now"), is kicking my butt, and has since I started fighting it nine years ago. For that reason, I am praying for fifteen minutes a day that Jesus Christ strengthens me so that I can crush my spiritual "Bane" once and for all, and so my life can finally be rid of all things that destroy my ability to be an effective witness for him.
Even after we are saved, Christians still have certain sins that constantly trip them up. Now don't panic: I am still a virgin, and am determined to maintain my Chastity Wrestlemania "Streak" intact until my wedding night. That being said, my spiritual "Bane" (which will be revealed in a future memoir called "That Was Then, This Is Now"), is kicking my butt, and has since I started fighting it nine years ago. For that reason, I am praying for fifteen minutes a day that Jesus Christ strengthens me so that I can crush my spiritual "Bane" once and for all, and so my life can finally be rid of all things that destroy my ability to be an effective witness for him.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
The Paris Attacks: My Prayer For Healing And Justice
Dear Heavenly Father,
My heart bleeds for the 128 people who were ruthlessly murdered in Paris on November 13, 2015, as well as for the many survivors of that cowardly attack. Please bring comfort and healing to the families of the people who were killed, as well as to those who have survived this tragedy. Please provide President Hollande with the wisdom to defend the nation of France from further attacks and with courageous allies to help him bring justice to those who orchestrated and carried out this unjustifiable act of savagery. Please use this tragedy to unite the nations of the world against ISIS and other radical Islamic terrorist organizations who dishonor You by claiming that they act in Your Name when they oppress their own countrymen and foreigners with deception, intimidation, and barbarism. Most of all, Heavenly Father, please use this tragedy to guide people to your Son, Jesus Christ, Who will allow all those who believe in Him to enjoy peace, joy, love, and eternal life on the New Earth after He crushes evil once and for all.
In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
The terrorist attacks during Friday night in Paris, France resulted in 128 people losing their lives and 80 others getting injured. This photo of multiple French flags, from Wikipedia, is displayed to show support for the French people during this time of tragedy.
My heart bleeds for the 128 people who were ruthlessly murdered in Paris on November 13, 2015, as well as for the many survivors of that cowardly attack. Please bring comfort and healing to the families of the people who were killed, as well as to those who have survived this tragedy. Please provide President Hollande with the wisdom to defend the nation of France from further attacks and with courageous allies to help him bring justice to those who orchestrated and carried out this unjustifiable act of savagery. Please use this tragedy to unite the nations of the world against ISIS and other radical Islamic terrorist organizations who dishonor You by claiming that they act in Your Name when they oppress their own countrymen and foreigners with deception, intimidation, and barbarism. Most of all, Heavenly Father, please use this tragedy to guide people to your Son, Jesus Christ, Who will allow all those who believe in Him to enjoy peace, joy, love, and eternal life on the New Earth after He crushes evil once and for all.
In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
The terrorist attacks during Friday night in Paris, France resulted in 128 people losing their lives and 80 others getting injured. This photo of multiple French flags, from Wikipedia, is displayed to show support for the French people during this time of tragedy.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
November Prayer Project: Anderson Cooper!
This month, I will be praying for one of my favorite news anchors: Anderson Cooper. Even though I do not agree with his political views, I respect him because he tries to be as unbiased as possible while he is reporting and interviewing his guests. This is a rare quality among both liberal and conservative news anchors, which is why he is one of the only three whom I listen to (the other two being Sean Hannity and Megyn Kelly). For that reason, I will pray every day this month that he receives the good news of the gospel by putting his faith in Jesus Christ, the only way to achieve reconciliation with God and eternal life in paradise. I encourage all of you to do so as well, for God's miracles are truly unleashed when believers pray for the same thing (provided that it is God's Will).
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Kim Kardashian Prayer Complete (And Other News)!
My Kim Kardashian prayer project was a success. It was the first prayer project I completed in which I did a fifteen-minute session every single day (instead of forgetting in the middle of the month and playing catchup with spiritual binge sessions).
This month, I have been focusing on myself. God has convicted me of a personal failing that I have and has told me multiple times through the Holy Spirit and fellow believers that He won't bless my plans to serve Him until I deal with it. I will reveal what that personal failing is in my book, "That Was Then, This Is Now", which will be a memoir of the harsh life lessons which I learned after I left Peace Corps. Not to mention that I believe that I will be reunited with the woman who is meant to be my future wife soon, so it's time for me to finally grow up.
Speaking of growing up, I have let go of my "star-crossed lover." I will just call her Juliet, for obvious reasons. We never actually dated or anything. We were just good friends who met at a church young adult group and developed strong crushes on each other. However, I moved out of state and when we tried to meet up outside of church when I would visit, our schedules clashed. After a couple of years, Juliet eventually gave up and moved on to focus on her career. I tried to hang on a little bit longer, but God has made it clear that it's time for me to move on, too. The fact that "West Side Story" music would play in my head every time I prayed to God regarding her was a pretty clear sign in and of itself. Since Romeo (re-imagined as a New York teenager called Tony in "West Side Story") dies in both versions, it's probably for the best. Nonetheless, Juliet was there for me during a really dark period of my life, so I will always be grateful that I knew her.
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." 1 Corinthians 13:11 (KJV)
This month, I have been focusing on myself. God has convicted me of a personal failing that I have and has told me multiple times through the Holy Spirit and fellow believers that He won't bless my plans to serve Him until I deal with it. I will reveal what that personal failing is in my book, "That Was Then, This Is Now", which will be a memoir of the harsh life lessons which I learned after I left Peace Corps. Not to mention that I believe that I will be reunited with the woman who is meant to be my future wife soon, so it's time for me to finally grow up.
Speaking of growing up, I have let go of my "star-crossed lover." I will just call her Juliet, for obvious reasons. We never actually dated or anything. We were just good friends who met at a church young adult group and developed strong crushes on each other. However, I moved out of state and when we tried to meet up outside of church when I would visit, our schedules clashed. After a couple of years, Juliet eventually gave up and moved on to focus on her career. I tried to hang on a little bit longer, but God has made it clear that it's time for me to move on, too. The fact that "West Side Story" music would play in my head every time I prayed to God regarding her was a pretty clear sign in and of itself. Since Romeo (re-imagined as a New York teenager called Tony in "West Side Story") dies in both versions, it's probably for the best. Nonetheless, Juliet was there for me during a really dark period of my life, so I will always be grateful that I knew her.
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." 1 Corinthians 13:11 (KJV)
Sunday, September 20, 2015
September "Impossible" Prayer Project: Kim Kardashian!
Sorry about the delay, folks. I got a new job in August and the transition was a bit hectic, but worth it. Anyway, I completed the CM Punk prayer project and am currently doing my first "Impossible" prayer project: Kim Kardashian.
We all know that Kim Kardashian is a reality TV star and extremely wealthy celebrity who became famous for being in the kind of homemade "movie" your parents would not want you to watch or star in. This would lead many to believe that she can't be reached by the gospel and that we shouldn't even try. I, however, must disagree because of her early Christian counterpart: Mary Magdalene.
Mary Magdalene is Jesus' most famous female disciple. Contrary to popular belief, she was not a prostitute (that was Mary, Lazarus' sister) and she and Jesus never married or had children. However, Jesus did cast seven demons out of her (Luke 8:2), which indicates that her lifestyle before she met him was probably not the greatest (Matthew 12:25). On top of that, she was clearly a woman with wealth, because she was one of Jesus' financial supporters during his earthly ministry (Luke 8:2-3). In other words, she was a rich lady with a less-than-admirable past. Sound familiar?
Like us, Kim Kardashian is a human being made in God's image whom He loves so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for her. He completely transformed the life of Mary Magdalene, who was her first-century equivalent, and He can do the same with Kim if she puts her faith in Him as well. I have already prayed fifteen minutes per day that she meets the same Savior who saved me, and will continue to do so for the rest of September.
"Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)
We all know that Kim Kardashian is a reality TV star and extremely wealthy celebrity who became famous for being in the kind of homemade "movie" your parents would not want you to watch or star in. This would lead many to believe that she can't be reached by the gospel and that we shouldn't even try. I, however, must disagree because of her early Christian counterpart: Mary Magdalene.
Mary Magdalene is Jesus' most famous female disciple. Contrary to popular belief, she was not a prostitute (that was Mary, Lazarus' sister) and she and Jesus never married or had children. However, Jesus did cast seven demons out of her (Luke 8:2), which indicates that her lifestyle before she met him was probably not the greatest (Matthew 12:25). On top of that, she was clearly a woman with wealth, because she was one of Jesus' financial supporters during his earthly ministry (Luke 8:2-3). In other words, she was a rich lady with a less-than-admirable past. Sound familiar?
Like us, Kim Kardashian is a human being made in God's image whom He loves so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for her. He completely transformed the life of Mary Magdalene, who was her first-century equivalent, and He can do the same with Kim if she puts her faith in Him as well. I have already prayed fifteen minutes per day that she meets the same Savior who saved me, and will continue to do so for the rest of September.
"Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)
Saturday, August 1, 2015
August Celebrity Prayer Project: CM Punk!
This month, I will pray for the former professional wrestler (and current
UFC fighter) who made WWE watchable long after it ran out of
creative steam: CM Punk!

CM Punk's candor, both in the ring and in his documentary, made me a huge fan and kept me watching WWE long after the company lost its mojo. Photo from DailyWrestlingNews.com: http://dailywrestlingnews.com/tna-star-invites-cm-punk-company/
I basically stopped watching WWE after Batista got buried and left the company, the Nexus angle ran its course, and the company's attempt to put Cena over at Wrestlemania 29 failed because it was the FOURTH time that The Rock dropped the belt (now known as the WWE World Heavyweight title) at that event. Nonetheless, after CM Punk's infamous pipe bomb speech on 6/27/2011 (in particular the part where he had the balls to openly criticize Stephanie McMahon and her husband Triple H), I became glued to the screen every time he showed up to give us a break from the "Cena Gone Wild" show. In addition to CM Punk's candor, I loved how he incorporated Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu moves into his matches, as well as his references to Marvel superheroes by shouting "It's Clobbering Time!" before matches and his Wolverine-esque sideburns. His documentary, "CM Punk - Best In The World" is one of my favorites. I was able to relate to him not fitting in with his peers at school and his resentment over the overt favoritism his family showed his brother, and admired him for having the courage to reject addictive substances because of his alcoholic father. For that reason, I will pray for 15 minutes every day that CM Punk puts his faith the man who is truly the Best In The World: God incarnate, Jesus Christ Himself.
CM Punk's candor, both in the ring and in his documentary, made me a huge fan and kept me watching WWE long after the company lost its mojo. Photo from DailyWrestlingNews.com: http://dailywrestlingnews.com/tna-star-invites-cm-punk-company/
I basically stopped watching WWE after Batista got buried and left the company, the Nexus angle ran its course, and the company's attempt to put Cena over at Wrestlemania 29 failed because it was the FOURTH time that The Rock dropped the belt (now known as the WWE World Heavyweight title) at that event. Nonetheless, after CM Punk's infamous pipe bomb speech on 6/27/2011 (in particular the part where he had the balls to openly criticize Stephanie McMahon and her husband Triple H), I became glued to the screen every time he showed up to give us a break from the "Cena Gone Wild" show. In addition to CM Punk's candor, I loved how he incorporated Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu moves into his matches, as well as his references to Marvel superheroes by shouting "It's Clobbering Time!" before matches and his Wolverine-esque sideburns. His documentary, "CM Punk - Best In The World" is one of my favorites. I was able to relate to him not fitting in with his peers at school and his resentment over the overt favoritism his family showed his brother, and admired him for having the courage to reject addictive substances because of his alcoholic father. For that reason, I will pray for 15 minutes every day that CM Punk puts his faith the man who is truly the Best In The World: God incarnate, Jesus Christ Himself.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Orcas: The Wolves Of The Sea of Love
Think "Great Whites" are the scariest predator in the Sea of Love? Think again! In spite of the great P.R. that "Free Willy" gave to killer whales, they have earned their nickname in real life by slaughtering everything in the ocean except for people. Even then, my uncle, who's a marine biologist, has told me stories about them chasing divers out of the water (think of this as an aquatic predator's version of screaming "Beat it!"). This is why I have nicknamed the second kind of player/playeress the "Orca", because they are the romantic equivalent of the killer whale.
"Free Willy" my butt! Real Orcas are as savage as wolves, and their player/playeress equivalents are just as ravenous. Photo from National Geographic: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/wild/videos/clever-killer-whales/
"Great White" players/playeresses hunt virgins through stealth. "Orca" players/playeresses hunt virgins through aggression and sheer numbers. What typically happens is that one member of the "pod" (the scientific name for a ravenous wolf-pack of killer whales) picks out the "date" that they want to have for sexual dinner and get their gang to help them corral that individual into a compromising situation. If the individual is really unfortunate, then other members of the pod will take turns having their way with them when the first Orca is finished, leading to all sorts of drama (and diseases) afterwards. Orcas typically hunt at high school and college parties, coed sleepovers, nightclubs, and other events where there is a lot of drinking (or worse, drug use) going on.
From personal experience, Orcas:
-Are usually young (late teens to early twenties)
-Are usually female
-Hunt in "pods" of three or more (if you are really unlucky, the pod can have as many as 15 members!)
-Are usually provocatively dressed, regardless of their gender
-Are very aggressive, flirty and "touchy-feely"
-Are very blunt and direct (asking you if you are single, what turns you on and if you have had any previous carnal experience when they barely know you)
-Are excessively friendly (inviting you to their house, their dorm, or to go clubbing with them when they just met you)
-Are very impatient, so they may try to get you drunk (or high if you're really unlucky) to make the seduction occur faster
-Are willing to resort to peer pressure and bullying if you get try to back out of their carnal schemes
So the next time a bunch of smoking hot babes (or studs if you're a girl) invite you to "hang out", especially to an event with a lot of drinking, BEWARE! They may be Orcas out to devour the seal of your virginity!
"Free Willy" my butt! Real Orcas are as savage as wolves, and their player/playeress equivalents are just as ravenous. Photo from National Geographic: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/wild/videos/clever-killer-whales/
"Great White" players/playeresses hunt virgins through stealth. "Orca" players/playeresses hunt virgins through aggression and sheer numbers. What typically happens is that one member of the "pod" (the scientific name for a ravenous wolf-pack of killer whales) picks out the "date" that they want to have for sexual dinner and get their gang to help them corral that individual into a compromising situation. If the individual is really unfortunate, then other members of the pod will take turns having their way with them when the first Orca is finished, leading to all sorts of drama (and diseases) afterwards. Orcas typically hunt at high school and college parties, coed sleepovers, nightclubs, and other events where there is a lot of drinking (or worse, drug use) going on.
From personal experience, Orcas:
-Are usually young (late teens to early twenties)
-Are usually female
-Hunt in "pods" of three or more (if you are really unlucky, the pod can have as many as 15 members!)
-Are usually provocatively dressed, regardless of their gender
-Are very aggressive, flirty and "touchy-feely"
-Are very blunt and direct (asking you if you are single, what turns you on and if you have had any previous carnal experience when they barely know you)
-Are excessively friendly (inviting you to their house, their dorm, or to go clubbing with them when they just met you)
-Are very impatient, so they may try to get you drunk (or high if you're really unlucky) to make the seduction occur faster
-Are willing to resort to peer pressure and bullying if you get try to back out of their carnal schemes
So the next time a bunch of smoking hot babes (or studs if you're a girl) invite you to "hang out", especially to an event with a lot of drinking, BEWARE! They may be Orcas out to devour the seal of your virginity!
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Shark Week! Recognizing The First Kind Of Romantic "Apex Predator"
You know how your friends always tell you that there are "plenty of fish in the sea" when it comes to romance (usually after you've been dumped)? Well, some of those fish are SHARKS!!!!
In other words, you're not a possible spouse to these people. YOU'RE DINNER!
This is especially true if you are a virgin seeking to stay pure before marriage. Once you make that decision, every shark in the ocean of love will be trying to take a bite out of your butt. The most dangerous kind of shark in this particular ocean is the person who I call the "Great White."
Your V-card has a much of a chance of surviving an attack from a "Great White" player/playeress as a seal does against the most vicious shark alive. Photo from National Geographic: http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/2013/01/31/saving-sharks-one-photo-at-a-time/great-white-shark/
Great Whites are the apex predators of the dating world. They usually hunt alone, although they sometimes work in pairs. Like their namesake, they "circle you" by earning your trust and getting you emotionally involved with them. They pretend to be your greatest confidant, listening patiently as you bare your soul to them, until they finally make a move by inviting you over to their place to "talk." Then, when you least expect it....
They sneak attack you from below like a stealthy 21-ft, 3-ton fish monster and, like an unsuspecting seal, your V-card goes flying out of the water in the mouth of their lust a la "Air Jaws."
Here are some common traits of a "Great White":
-They are usually male, although a growing percentage of females (mostly MILFs) are joining their ranks
-They are usually modestly dressed and very subtle so that they don't scare you off
-They are usually older (late twenties/early thirties)
-They are usually overqualified (i.e., a lot better-looking than you, a lot smarter than you, and have a lot more money than you)
-They constantly try to get you alone and are very persistent
-They are very observant and "helpful" (i.e. they offer you gas money or a ride home if you're broke)
So the next time a rich, unusually helpful, highly sophisticated, and dead-sexy woman (or man if you're a woman) shows a lot of interest in you, BEWARE! They may be a Great White looking for their next meal.
In my next post, I will discuss the other apex predator of the ocean of love: the Orca
In other words, you're not a possible spouse to these people. YOU'RE DINNER!
This is especially true if you are a virgin seeking to stay pure before marriage. Once you make that decision, every shark in the ocean of love will be trying to take a bite out of your butt. The most dangerous kind of shark in this particular ocean is the person who I call the "Great White."
Your V-card has a much of a chance of surviving an attack from a "Great White" player/playeress as a seal does against the most vicious shark alive. Photo from National Geographic: http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/2013/01/31/saving-sharks-one-photo-at-a-time/great-white-shark/
Great Whites are the apex predators of the dating world. They usually hunt alone, although they sometimes work in pairs. Like their namesake, they "circle you" by earning your trust and getting you emotionally involved with them. They pretend to be your greatest confidant, listening patiently as you bare your soul to them, until they finally make a move by inviting you over to their place to "talk." Then, when you least expect it....
They sneak attack you from below like a stealthy 21-ft, 3-ton fish monster and, like an unsuspecting seal, your V-card goes flying out of the water in the mouth of their lust a la "Air Jaws."
Here are some common traits of a "Great White":
-They are usually male, although a growing percentage of females (mostly MILFs) are joining their ranks
-They are usually modestly dressed and very subtle so that they don't scare you off
-They are usually older (late twenties/early thirties)
-They are usually overqualified (i.e., a lot better-looking than you, a lot smarter than you, and have a lot more money than you)
-They constantly try to get you alone and are very persistent
-They are very observant and "helpful" (i.e. they offer you gas money or a ride home if you're broke)
So the next time a rich, unusually helpful, highly sophisticated, and dead-sexy woman (or man if you're a woman) shows a lot of interest in you, BEWARE! They may be a Great White looking for their next meal.
In my next post, I will discuss the other apex predator of the ocean of love: the Orca
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Overruled! What The True Definition Of Marriage Was, Is, & Always Will Be!
If I have not made it clear before, my goal in life is to lead others to Christ through staying a virgin until marriage and remaining faithful to my wife until death do us part. That is why, in light of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling this past Friday, I must clarify what I mean by marriage. Even though the majority of America's judicial branch apparently feels differently, marriage is a God-ordained institution between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.
Long story short, when God created Adam, He made it clear that He was not supposed to be alone. So He decided to give Adam a suitable helper (in other words, a wife). He took one of Adam's ribs and created Eve and presented her to him, and in doing so, He completed mankind, His greatest masterpiece. When Adam awoke and finally met his intimate best friend, he said this:
Mark 10: 6-9 "But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.' ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” (NIV)
Long story short, when God created Adam, He made it clear that He was not supposed to be alone. So He decided to give Adam a suitable helper (in other words, a wife). He took one of Adam's ribs and created Eve and presented her to him, and in doing so, He completed mankind, His greatest masterpiece. When Adam awoke and finally met his intimate best friend, he said this:
“This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’for she was taken out of man.” (Genesis 2:23)
In other words, Eve was a GENETIC FEMALE!
More importantly, God was the one who brought them together. For a marriage to truly experience "The Sexual Force Unleashed" and "Romantic World Peace", both the husband and the wife must have a relationship with God. Ultimately, the reason why "...a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh" (Gen 2:24, NIV) is because it was GOD'S IDEA! When God came to earth in the flesh as Jesus Christ, He affirmed this (see Mark 10:6-9).
Look, as Christians, we are called to treat everyone with love and respect. This holds true even when they act in ways that are morally reprehensible. We must also obey those in authority, for God has chosen to use governments to maintain order in this world (which, as institutions run by sinners, they obviously don't do perfectly, to say the least). At the same time, we must also live by truth and justice. Christ's law supersedes man's law: if the two are ever in conflict, then we must obey God over man. For ultimately, God is the source of love, truth, peace, justice, and joy. He proved that when He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to be executed so that, if we believe in Him, we will be spared from the Lake of Fire and have eternal life.
For that reason, whenever I discuss marriage on this blog, I will use Christ's definition, not man's. Marriage is, was, and always will be a sacred institution in which ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN are brought together in holy matrimony by God Himself.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
The 30-Year-Old Virgin: How My Streak Has Outlived My Youth
As my 20s came to an end, I was overcome by stark terror and soul-crushing despair. During the latter half of my young adult years, I dealt with a crippling personal issue, family conflict, being a social outcast at church, financial woes, and disastrous trials in the workplace (when I was blessed to have a job at all-suffice it to say that America is not the "Land of Opportunity" anymore). On the eve of my 30th birthday, I felt like a complete and utter failure.
Despite what my society at large says, life doesn't end at 30. In fact, Christ Himself didn't even START His earthly ministry until He was 30. My favorite historical figure from the Bible, Joseph, was 30 when he came Prime Minister of Egypt, and David, Israel's greatest King (excluding Jesus), didn't even become the ruler of God's chosen people until he was 30. My life, in fact, has already started to turn around for the better. My personal struggle is being resolved, my relationships with my family are being restored, I am in a church that loves and cares for me, my finances have improved significantly, and I now work at two great places where my bosses and coworkers treat me extremely well. So when my birthday finally came, I received kindness from my friends, relatives, fellow church members, and the people whom I work with.
Their kindness is a reminder from Christ that He still wants to use me for His glory. If I have failed at my own personal bucket list (and it's not because I'm being chastised for making a donkey out of myself), then it means that Christ has even better plans for me than I do for myself and doesn't want me to settle.
At any rate, I do have one success. Even though my youth has passed, my Virginity "Streak" has survived. I will still be able to look my future wife in the eye (whoever she is) and tell her that she is my first. I need to stay vigilant, though. My culture has become more sex-obsessed than ever, and now the women are just as aggressive as the men. I still receive "attention" from beautiful young women and I would be lying if I said it wasn't tempting. I know that if a 22-year-old supermodel cornered me in a hotel room and came on to me, she would probably turn me out and make me look stupid to the people I am trying to reach for Christ. I also need to watch out for the "Potiphar's wives" out there; the gorgeous mature women who have years of experience when it comes to turning men out and making them look stupid. So I must continue to set and enforce boundaries and, if necessary, run from these women if the temptation becomes too great. At the same time, I must remember that the most powerful temptation does not come from them, or Satan and his demons, but my own heart. So I must also follow Christ to continue my transformation into a godly man of love, honor, justice, and integrity. If I do, then both myself and my future wife will lead others to Christ with our marriage. Enjoying "Romantic World Peace" and "The Sexual Force Unleashed" will be fun rewards for us, too...
Genesis 41:46 "Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from Pharaoh’s presence and traveled throughout Egypt." (NIV)
Despite what my society at large says, life doesn't end at 30. In fact, Christ Himself didn't even START His earthly ministry until He was 30. My favorite historical figure from the Bible, Joseph, was 30 when he came Prime Minister of Egypt, and David, Israel's greatest King (excluding Jesus), didn't even become the ruler of God's chosen people until he was 30. My life, in fact, has already started to turn around for the better. My personal struggle is being resolved, my relationships with my family are being restored, I am in a church that loves and cares for me, my finances have improved significantly, and I now work at two great places where my bosses and coworkers treat me extremely well. So when my birthday finally came, I received kindness from my friends, relatives, fellow church members, and the people whom I work with.
Their kindness is a reminder from Christ that He still wants to use me for His glory. If I have failed at my own personal bucket list (and it's not because I'm being chastised for making a donkey out of myself), then it means that Christ has even better plans for me than I do for myself and doesn't want me to settle.
At any rate, I do have one success. Even though my youth has passed, my Virginity "Streak" has survived. I will still be able to look my future wife in the eye (whoever she is) and tell her that she is my first. I need to stay vigilant, though. My culture has become more sex-obsessed than ever, and now the women are just as aggressive as the men. I still receive "attention" from beautiful young women and I would be lying if I said it wasn't tempting. I know that if a 22-year-old supermodel cornered me in a hotel room and came on to me, she would probably turn me out and make me look stupid to the people I am trying to reach for Christ. I also need to watch out for the "Potiphar's wives" out there; the gorgeous mature women who have years of experience when it comes to turning men out and making them look stupid. So I must continue to set and enforce boundaries and, if necessary, run from these women if the temptation becomes too great. At the same time, I must remember that the most powerful temptation does not come from them, or Satan and his demons, but my own heart. So I must also follow Christ to continue my transformation into a godly man of love, honor, justice, and integrity. If I do, then both myself and my future wife will lead others to Christ with our marriage. Enjoying "Romantic World Peace" and "The Sexual Force Unleashed" will be fun rewards for us, too...
Genesis 41:46 "Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from Pharaoh’s presence and traveled throughout Egypt." (NIV)
Bane! What You Should Avoid Becoming In Your Quest For Sexual Purity!
One of my favorite movie villains is Bane from "Dark Knight Rises."
In the film, he is reimagined as a terrorist leader dedicated to
punishing the decadent city of Gotham for its sins. In doing so, he
targets its protector, Batman, breaks his back, and drags him to a
foreign prison, where he intends to make him watch the destruction of
his beloved city before he permits him to die.

Bane, played by Tom Hardy in "Dark Knight Rises", was an absolutely terrifying, psychopathic zealot. Make sure that, in your quest for purity, you do not become his spiritual equivalent. Photo (which is used for fair use/commentary only) from Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub at Collider: http://collider.com/tom-hardy-the-dark-knight-rises-interview/
What's very interesting about Christopher Nolan's versions of Bane and Batman is that they are cut from the same cloth. In fact, in Nolan's "Batman" trilogy, they both share common training under Ra's Al Ghul in the League of Shadows. But there is one key difference: Batman understands that the act does not always justify the means, which is why he forsakes the League of Shadows to become Gotham's hero. Bane does not, and becomes a monster that's so ferocious that Ra's Al Ghul himself decides to excommunicate him. So whereas Batman wants to fight Gotham's corruption by fighting crime and cooperating with the police to save the city's citizens, Bane simply wants to blow it into a million pieces. Each character's methods shows what they are really motivated by: selfless devotion to the Greater Good (Batman) or a self-righteous desire to elevate oneself by condemning others (Bane).
I am bringing this up because I have met many church members who say that they are good Christians but are simply "Banes" in disguise. Instead of being sexually pure to lead others to Christ, they do it to make themselves feel superior to others. So when they run into people who have struggled with sexual sin in the past (or who were pure before but have since fallen into temptation), they either ostracize them socially or throw them out of the church entirely. I'm not talking about Christians who simply administer church discipline or who cast out people who refuse to admit wrongdoing and justify sinful behavior. I'm talking about church members who refuse to forgive and restore others who have admitted wrongdoing and are willing to do whatever it takes to make amends.
Let me make myself very clear: doing the right thing for the wrong reason is the wrong thing. If you do this, you turn into the Pharisees, who were basically "The League of Shadows" of the Jewish faith when Christ was alive. In doing this, you can become what Paul was before he was saved: Saul of Tarsus, the "Bane" of the Pharisees who ruthlessly had Christians imprisoned and killed before he was converted on the road to Damascus. Don't become a spiritual "Bane" in your quest for purity. Stay pure to honor God, not yourself!
Matthew 23: 27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness." (NIV)
Bane, played by Tom Hardy in "Dark Knight Rises", was an absolutely terrifying, psychopathic zealot. Make sure that, in your quest for purity, you do not become his spiritual equivalent. Photo (which is used for fair use/commentary only) from Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub at Collider: http://collider.com/tom-hardy-the-dark-knight-rises-interview/
What's very interesting about Christopher Nolan's versions of Bane and Batman is that they are cut from the same cloth. In fact, in Nolan's "Batman" trilogy, they both share common training under Ra's Al Ghul in the League of Shadows. But there is one key difference: Batman understands that the act does not always justify the means, which is why he forsakes the League of Shadows to become Gotham's hero. Bane does not, and becomes a monster that's so ferocious that Ra's Al Ghul himself decides to excommunicate him. So whereas Batman wants to fight Gotham's corruption by fighting crime and cooperating with the police to save the city's citizens, Bane simply wants to blow it into a million pieces. Each character's methods shows what they are really motivated by: selfless devotion to the Greater Good (Batman) or a self-righteous desire to elevate oneself by condemning others (Bane).
I am bringing this up because I have met many church members who say that they are good Christians but are simply "Banes" in disguise. Instead of being sexually pure to lead others to Christ, they do it to make themselves feel superior to others. So when they run into people who have struggled with sexual sin in the past (or who were pure before but have since fallen into temptation), they either ostracize them socially or throw them out of the church entirely. I'm not talking about Christians who simply administer church discipline or who cast out people who refuse to admit wrongdoing and justify sinful behavior. I'm talking about church members who refuse to forgive and restore others who have admitted wrongdoing and are willing to do whatever it takes to make amends.
Let me make myself very clear: doing the right thing for the wrong reason is the wrong thing. If you do this, you turn into the Pharisees, who were basically "The League of Shadows" of the Jewish faith when Christ was alive. In doing this, you can become what Paul was before he was saved: Saul of Tarsus, the "Bane" of the Pharisees who ruthlessly had Christians imprisoned and killed before he was converted on the road to Damascus. Don't become a spiritual "Bane" in your quest for purity. Stay pure to honor God, not yourself!
Matthew 23: 27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness." (NIV)
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Resurrection! How To Experience A Living Marriage With A Spouse With "A Past"
Happy Belated Easter, Everyone!
I am ecstatic because not only did I get to spend Easter with my family, but a close friend of mine welcomed me back into their life even though I didn't deserve it. Long story short, we had a falling out a couple of years ago that was 100% my fault. I honestly thought that they would never speak to me again. However, on Easter, I went before them, acknowledged that I was wrong, and asked them to forgive me (I was even prepared to beg if necessary). My friend, being the amazing saint that they are, forgave me immediately. We spent the rest of the morning catching up and our friendship was even better than it was before.
A few days after that, I got an amazing insight from God in regards to marriage: forgiveness and repentance are essential for truly experiencing holy matrimony.
My goal is to, through my example, lead as many people to stay virgins before marriage as possible. I believe that is the strongest way to spread the gospel on a planet that is increasingly dominated by the Lewd World Order. That being said, many of us who have kept our V-cards may be called to marry spouses who have "made mistakes" (i.e. thrown their V-cards through a plate-glass window). While I still believe that my future spouse (whoever she is) will also be a virgin when we are married, I am prepared for the worst case scenario in which I am not her first. Or second. Or third...
(Those of you who live in a Western country such as the United States will understand)
I know exactly what I will do if that is the case: I will forgive my future spouse.
Now I want to make it clear that you should NOT marry someone who is unrepentantly immoral. If you encounter a girl who justifies "playing the harlot" by saying "It's the 21st century" or a guy whose superhero alter ego is "Uber-Perv" because they believe "Boys will be boys", RUN!!! That person will not only expect you to do all the nasty things that their exes did to fulfill their "needs", but they will also look elsewhere for fulfillment (i.e. cheat) when you cease to be new and shiny. And obviously, do not marry someone who has a venereal disease.
That being said, the Holy Spirit can truly change hearts. There are people who have a sordid past who, through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, realize that they are wrong, repent, and turn their backs on forbidden desires FOR GOOD. These are the people who I call "resurrected virgins." They demonstrate their repentance through dedicating their lives to chastity, seeking God with all of their heart and loving Him through loving others. In return, God often blesses them by healing and restoring their sexuality (and, in the cases of those men and women who went completely bat guano carnally, He raises it from the dead). If God leads one of these reborn knights and maidens of chastity to you for holy matrimony, forgive them for what they did to harm your future marriage. Make sure that your forgiveness is genuine by letting it go and RELEASING IT TO GOD (i.e. don't secretly resent/be disgusted by your future spouse to make yourself feel superior). If you TRULY forgive them, God will bless both of you by allowing you to experience "The Sexual Force Unleashed" and "Romantic World Peace" within marriage.
If you are the one entering the marriage with baggage, repent. You don't need to give your future spouse a play-by-play analysis of your past indiscretions (nor is it advisable if you want the marriage to last very long). Just acknowledge that you haven't been pure in the past, repent and ask for forgiveness. Oh, and remember, if you consented, you're guilty. Don't give a fake apology in which all you basically do is throw your exes/friends with benefits/one night stands under the bus to absolve yourself from guilt. Repentance only works if you take FULL responsibility for your actions.
Through Christ's death and resurrection, we can all receive forgiveness, and be resurrected with Him as new creations. If we extend this forgiveness to our future spouses for their past sexual indiscretions, our future marriage with them, through the power of Christ, will also be resurrected.
Matthew 6:14-15 "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." (NIV)
I am ecstatic because not only did I get to spend Easter with my family, but a close friend of mine welcomed me back into their life even though I didn't deserve it. Long story short, we had a falling out a couple of years ago that was 100% my fault. I honestly thought that they would never speak to me again. However, on Easter, I went before them, acknowledged that I was wrong, and asked them to forgive me (I was even prepared to beg if necessary). My friend, being the amazing saint that they are, forgave me immediately. We spent the rest of the morning catching up and our friendship was even better than it was before.
A few days after that, I got an amazing insight from God in regards to marriage: forgiveness and repentance are essential for truly experiencing holy matrimony.
My goal is to, through my example, lead as many people to stay virgins before marriage as possible. I believe that is the strongest way to spread the gospel on a planet that is increasingly dominated by the Lewd World Order. That being said, many of us who have kept our V-cards may be called to marry spouses who have "made mistakes" (i.e. thrown their V-cards through a plate-glass window). While I still believe that my future spouse (whoever she is) will also be a virgin when we are married, I am prepared for the worst case scenario in which I am not her first. Or second. Or third...
(Those of you who live in a Western country such as the United States will understand)
I know exactly what I will do if that is the case: I will forgive my future spouse.
Now I want to make it clear that you should NOT marry someone who is unrepentantly immoral. If you encounter a girl who justifies "playing the harlot" by saying "It's the 21st century" or a guy whose superhero alter ego is "Uber-Perv" because they believe "Boys will be boys", RUN!!! That person will not only expect you to do all the nasty things that their exes did to fulfill their "needs", but they will also look elsewhere for fulfillment (i.e. cheat) when you cease to be new and shiny. And obviously, do not marry someone who has a venereal disease.
That being said, the Holy Spirit can truly change hearts. There are people who have a sordid past who, through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, realize that they are wrong, repent, and turn their backs on forbidden desires FOR GOOD. These are the people who I call "resurrected virgins." They demonstrate their repentance through dedicating their lives to chastity, seeking God with all of their heart and loving Him through loving others. In return, God often blesses them by healing and restoring their sexuality (and, in the cases of those men and women who went completely bat guano carnally, He raises it from the dead). If God leads one of these reborn knights and maidens of chastity to you for holy matrimony, forgive them for what they did to harm your future marriage. Make sure that your forgiveness is genuine by letting it go and RELEASING IT TO GOD (i.e. don't secretly resent/be disgusted by your future spouse to make yourself feel superior). If you TRULY forgive them, God will bless both of you by allowing you to experience "The Sexual Force Unleashed" and "Romantic World Peace" within marriage.
If you are the one entering the marriage with baggage, repent. You don't need to give your future spouse a play-by-play analysis of your past indiscretions (nor is it advisable if you want the marriage to last very long). Just acknowledge that you haven't been pure in the past, repent and ask for forgiveness. Oh, and remember, if you consented, you're guilty. Don't give a fake apology in which all you basically do is throw your exes/friends with benefits/one night stands under the bus to absolve yourself from guilt. Repentance only works if you take FULL responsibility for your actions.
Through Christ's death and resurrection, we can all receive forgiveness, and be resurrected with Him as new creations. If we extend this forgiveness to our future spouses for their past sexual indiscretions, our future marriage with them, through the power of Christ, will also be resurrected.
Matthew 6:14-15 "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." (NIV)
Sunday, March 29, 2015
The Undertaker's Streak: How The Dead Man Convinced Me To Wait Until Marriage
In my opinion, The Undertaker is the greatest pro wrestler of all time. He is the only wrestler who has managed to remain WWE's scariest heel since his debut with the company in 1990. I never thought that anyone would be able to pick up his mantle as "The Phenom."
Then Bray Wyatt burst onto the scene. Bray Wyatt is a demonic, backwoods psychopath who terrifies the living daylights out of me. As I watched him wrestle and listened to his lunatic rants, I realized that finally, a wrestler had come along who could carry the torch that The Undertaker lit. When I saw a commercial promoting their upcoming clash at Wrestlemania, it gave me goosebumps.
Then I remembered that The Undertaker had already had "The Streak" ended by Brock Lesnar last year.

Losing your virginity before marriage is as dumb as having The Undertaker lose to Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania. Image from Jim Ross at Fox Sports (Link to: http://www.foxsports.com/buzzer/story/wrestlemania-30-recap-brock-lesnar-ends-undertaker-winning-streak-21-matches-daniel-bryan-wwe-champ-040614)
The Undertaker's "Streak" was his undefeated Wrestlemania record. No matter what happened during the rest of the year, he always managed to win at WWE's biggest PPV. That came to an end when, to everybody's shock, Brock Lesnar defeated him at Wrestlemania 30 in 2014. The same Brock Lesnar who only wrestled in four matches during that entire year.
Brock Lesnar may be an impressive and talented athlete, but, unlike Bray Wyatt, he really hasn't dedicated his life to the WWE. He simply hasn't done (and, due to his battle with diverticulitis, probably can't do) enough to deserve to end "The Streak." If The Undertaker had given this honor to Bray Wyatt, he would have ended his WWE legacy with a bang and made Wyatt "The Phenom" of the next generation. Unfortunately, because the Deadman's "Streak" was squandered on someone who didn't deserve it, a victory over him at Wrestlemania doesn't mean anything anymore. Should Bray Wyatt defeat "The Phenom", it won't be a big deal, because Brock Lesnar already beat him to it.
Like allowing a wrestler to end "The Streak", giving your virginity to someone is a once-in-a-lifetime gift. Sadly, many young Christians allow their chastity "Streak" be ended by someone who doesn't deserve it. They give themselves to their bff's totally ripped older brother when they are in high school or to the smoking hot babe down the hall when they are a college freshman. Some Christians allow it to end as early as middle school, throwing away their "Streak" before they can even comprehend how valuable it is. However it happens, when these Christians finally meet their spouse and give their bodies to them, it doesn't really mean anything because their "Streak" has already been ended by someone else. That's one reason why I am preserving mine. If my future wife found out that I threw away my virginity on some 22-year-old model who I'd only dated a few times, I doubt she would be eager for the opportunity to become my silver medal (or "Intercontinental champion" in WWE terms).
Even though I will always respect what The Undertaker has done, the "Brock Lesnar blemish" will always be on his pro wrestling career. Likewise, if you lose your virginity before marriage, that blemish will always be on your romantic career. Granted, you can still have a wonderful marriage and lead others to Christ if you repent and give your past over to God. However, your marriage will never be as great as it could have been.
Don't let a romantic "Brock Lesnar" convince you to let them end your chastity "Streak" with the dating equivalents of freak athleticism and an incredible physique: looks, money, power, and social status. Even though those things might impress you now, if God doesn't intend for that person to share the romantic "WWE" of a Christ-centered marriage with you, you will just be wasting your time on someone who isn't willing or able to take it to the next level. Save your "Streak" for the one who shares your dedication to Christ: your future spouse. And put them over by allowing them to end it on the "Wrestlemania" of romance: the wedding night.
James 1:12 "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him." (NIV)
Then Bray Wyatt burst onto the scene. Bray Wyatt is a demonic, backwoods psychopath who terrifies the living daylights out of me. As I watched him wrestle and listened to his lunatic rants, I realized that finally, a wrestler had come along who could carry the torch that The Undertaker lit. When I saw a commercial promoting their upcoming clash at Wrestlemania, it gave me goosebumps.
Then I remembered that The Undertaker had already had "The Streak" ended by Brock Lesnar last year.
Losing your virginity before marriage is as dumb as having The Undertaker lose to Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania. Image from Jim Ross at Fox Sports (Link to: http://www.foxsports.com/buzzer/story/wrestlemania-30-recap-brock-lesnar-ends-undertaker-winning-streak-21-matches-daniel-bryan-wwe-champ-040614)
The Undertaker's "Streak" was his undefeated Wrestlemania record. No matter what happened during the rest of the year, he always managed to win at WWE's biggest PPV. That came to an end when, to everybody's shock, Brock Lesnar defeated him at Wrestlemania 30 in 2014. The same Brock Lesnar who only wrestled in four matches during that entire year.
Brock Lesnar may be an impressive and talented athlete, but, unlike Bray Wyatt, he really hasn't dedicated his life to the WWE. He simply hasn't done (and, due to his battle with diverticulitis, probably can't do) enough to deserve to end "The Streak." If The Undertaker had given this honor to Bray Wyatt, he would have ended his WWE legacy with a bang and made Wyatt "The Phenom" of the next generation. Unfortunately, because the Deadman's "Streak" was squandered on someone who didn't deserve it, a victory over him at Wrestlemania doesn't mean anything anymore. Should Bray Wyatt defeat "The Phenom", it won't be a big deal, because Brock Lesnar already beat him to it.
Like allowing a wrestler to end "The Streak", giving your virginity to someone is a once-in-a-lifetime gift. Sadly, many young Christians allow their chastity "Streak" be ended by someone who doesn't deserve it. They give themselves to their bff's totally ripped older brother when they are in high school or to the smoking hot babe down the hall when they are a college freshman. Some Christians allow it to end as early as middle school, throwing away their "Streak" before they can even comprehend how valuable it is. However it happens, when these Christians finally meet their spouse and give their bodies to them, it doesn't really mean anything because their "Streak" has already been ended by someone else. That's one reason why I am preserving mine. If my future wife found out that I threw away my virginity on some 22-year-old model who I'd only dated a few times, I doubt she would be eager for the opportunity to become my silver medal (or "Intercontinental champion" in WWE terms).
Even though I will always respect what The Undertaker has done, the "Brock Lesnar blemish" will always be on his pro wrestling career. Likewise, if you lose your virginity before marriage, that blemish will always be on your romantic career. Granted, you can still have a wonderful marriage and lead others to Christ if you repent and give your past over to God. However, your marriage will never be as great as it could have been.
Don't let a romantic "Brock Lesnar" convince you to let them end your chastity "Streak" with the dating equivalents of freak athleticism and an incredible physique: looks, money, power, and social status. Even though those things might impress you now, if God doesn't intend for that person to share the romantic "WWE" of a Christ-centered marriage with you, you will just be wasting your time on someone who isn't willing or able to take it to the next level. Save your "Streak" for the one who shares your dedication to Christ: your future spouse. And put them over by allowing them to end it on the "Wrestlemania" of romance: the wedding night.
James 1:12 "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him." (NIV)
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Leaving "Gotham": Why I Am Giving Up My Favorite TV Show
At first, I absolutely loved "Gotham." This Batman prequel, which focuses on a young Detective Jim Gordon's quest to find the man who killed Bruce Wayne's parents, had great acting, excellent plot twists and turns, and a dark and gritty style which echoed the Christopher Nolan trilogy, which was an absolute masterpiece. In particular, Ben McKenzie, who portrays the future Commissioner, does an excellent job of showing Gordon's desire to honor his promise to Bruce to find out who killed his parents, and while he's at it, take down corruption at the city's highest levels. Gordon admirably perseveres spite of the fact that everyone, including his own police department, is against him.
I will also admit that the burgeoning childhood romance between Bruce Wayne (played by David Mazouz) and Selina Kyle (played by Camren Bicondova) was adorable, in addition to a clever way of foreshadowing the relationship they will have as Batman and Catwoman.
That is why I am very sad to say that I will never watch this show again.
1) Regarding sexual morality, "Gotham" is as indecisive as Barbara Kean, Gordon's ex. On the show, Barbara (played by Erin Richards) can't seem to make up her mind between Gordon and her obsessive ex-girlfriend, Renee Montoya. Likewise, "Gotham" can't seem to take a clear stance regarding same-sex relationships. There is a lot of TV-14 lesbian action on the show. That being said, the villains are the ones who engage in it, which makes me suspect that at least some of the production staff have not sold out to the LWO (Lewd World Order).
As a firm believer in TRADITIONAL marriage who wants to lead others to Christ through a life of sexual purity, this ambiguity made me wonder whether or not this was the kind of show I should be watching.
2) Along those lines, there is a really creepy scene in Episode 17 where a drunk Barbara makes a pass at a 14-YEAR-OLD Selina Kyle. Fortunately, Selina (called "Cat" on the show) brushes Barbara off by stepping out of reach and giving her a "What the heck are you doing?" look. That being said, it still freaked me out.
That, combined with Harvey Bullock (played by Donal Logue) leering at yearbook photos of high school girls in Episode 14, is a strong sign that "Gotham" is going in a really perverse direction that I want nothing to do with.
3) I finally had enough when I saw Fish Mooney (played by Jada Pinkett Smith) gouge out her own eye in Episode 17. I am a guy in his late twenties and it's not easy to make me nauseous. That being said, after Fish Mooney did that, I wanted to hurl. This was simply the most graphic example of gratuitous violence on the show, including two other instances where the camera lingers into the empty sockets of characters who've had their eyes ripped out.
Suffice it to say that "Gotham" has crossed the line from "dark, and gritty" to "gross."
I grew up watching reruns of Adam West's "Batman" late at night when I was a kid. After school, I remember rushing to the TV with my brother to watch "Batman: The Animated Series." I loved the Tim Burton Batman films and was blown away by Christopher Nolan's epic trilogy, where Gotham City's "Dark Knight" was reimagined as the ultimate counter-terrorism agent.
That being said, Jesus is more important to me than any superhero, and I no longer want to watch anything with content which will poison the wonderful brain which He gave me. Not even if it features "The Caped Crusader." For that reason, I have decided to leave "Gotham" behind for good.
I will also admit that the burgeoning childhood romance between Bruce Wayne (played by David Mazouz) and Selina Kyle (played by Camren Bicondova) was adorable, in addition to a clever way of foreshadowing the relationship they will have as Batman and Catwoman.
That is why I am very sad to say that I will never watch this show again.
1) Regarding sexual morality, "Gotham" is as indecisive as Barbara Kean, Gordon's ex. On the show, Barbara (played by Erin Richards) can't seem to make up her mind between Gordon and her obsessive ex-girlfriend, Renee Montoya. Likewise, "Gotham" can't seem to take a clear stance regarding same-sex relationships. There is a lot of TV-14 lesbian action on the show. That being said, the villains are the ones who engage in it, which makes me suspect that at least some of the production staff have not sold out to the LWO (Lewd World Order).
As a firm believer in TRADITIONAL marriage who wants to lead others to Christ through a life of sexual purity, this ambiguity made me wonder whether or not this was the kind of show I should be watching.
2) Along those lines, there is a really creepy scene in Episode 17 where a drunk Barbara makes a pass at a 14-YEAR-OLD Selina Kyle. Fortunately, Selina (called "Cat" on the show) brushes Barbara off by stepping out of reach and giving her a "What the heck are you doing?" look. That being said, it still freaked me out.
That, combined with Harvey Bullock (played by Donal Logue) leering at yearbook photos of high school girls in Episode 14, is a strong sign that "Gotham" is going in a really perverse direction that I want nothing to do with.
3) I finally had enough when I saw Fish Mooney (played by Jada Pinkett Smith) gouge out her own eye in Episode 17. I am a guy in his late twenties and it's not easy to make me nauseous. That being said, after Fish Mooney did that, I wanted to hurl. This was simply the most graphic example of gratuitous violence on the show, including two other instances where the camera lingers into the empty sockets of characters who've had their eyes ripped out.
Suffice it to say that "Gotham" has crossed the line from "dark, and gritty" to "gross."
I grew up watching reruns of Adam West's "Batman" late at night when I was a kid. After school, I remember rushing to the TV with my brother to watch "Batman: The Animated Series." I loved the Tim Burton Batman films and was blown away by Christopher Nolan's epic trilogy, where Gotham City's "Dark Knight" was reimagined as the ultimate counter-terrorism agent.
That being said, Jesus is more important to me than any superhero, and I no longer want to watch anything with content which will poison the wonderful brain which He gave me. Not even if it features "The Caped Crusader." For that reason, I have decided to leave "Gotham" behind for good.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Slaying The Giant: How To Win The Battle For Purity Even When Injured
Two days ago, Rafael Dos Anjos defeated Anthony Pettis to become the UFC's first Brazilian lightweight champion in spite of being a heavy underdog. However, here's the real kicker: he fought injured.
During a post-fight interview on Fox Sports 1 with Ariel Helwani, Dos Anjos admitted that he tore his MCL during training. In other words, he really messed up his knee. An injury like that would force most competitive Mixed Martial Artists to pull out of a match. During his interview, Dos Anjos admitted that he considered pulling out of his own fight, but prayed to God first. God told him to fight anyway, and that he would be fine. So in spite of being unable to grapple or wrestle for three weeks before his fight, this "Brazilian David" chose to battle the Goliath known as Anthony "Showtime" Pettis. Not only did he win, but he completely dominated Pettis for the entire fight, ironically, with his grappling.
Many of us who join for the battle for sexual purity are, like Dos Anjos, fighting injured. Our injuries may be mental (i.e. porn or "romance novels"), physical (previous illicit encounters with the opposite or same gender), emotional (getting dumped by a boyfriend who didn't want to wait until marriage for sex or ditched by a girlfriend who found a guy with more money), or spiritual (dealing with church members who won't forgive you for your past or encourage you to pursue a godly future, or even worse, encountering demonic activity). These wounds may tempt us to give up on purity entirely. However, the good news is that purity is still possible, no matter what we have done and no matter what has happened to us in our past.
The same Jesus Christ who gave victory to Rafael Dos Anjos at UFC 185 is the same Jesus who will, if we believe in Him, give us victory in the "octagon" of sexual purity!
This does not mean that we should take foolish risks. Just like Dos Anjos had to stop grappling for a while to keep his injury from getting worse before UFC 185, we must limit our training when it comes to romance to keep our injuries from getting worse. For example, we may not be able to have a romantic relationship for at least six months because we are still recovering from past traumas or self-inflicted wounds. And just like some athletes have to get surgery and physical therapy to recover from injuries, we may need to counseling and other professional services to help us deal with the injuries we sustain as sexual purity "athletic competitors."
Nonetheless, we should never give up in our quest for the undisputed championship titles of "The Sexual Force Unleashed" and "Romantic World Peace" within a godly marriage. For, as Dos Anjos shouted from the top of the cage after his victory, "Through Jesus, you can do all things!"
1 Samuel 17:45, "David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied." (NIV)
During a post-fight interview on Fox Sports 1 with Ariel Helwani, Dos Anjos admitted that he tore his MCL during training. In other words, he really messed up his knee. An injury like that would force most competitive Mixed Martial Artists to pull out of a match. During his interview, Dos Anjos admitted that he considered pulling out of his own fight, but prayed to God first. God told him to fight anyway, and that he would be fine. So in spite of being unable to grapple or wrestle for three weeks before his fight, this "Brazilian David" chose to battle the Goliath known as Anthony "Showtime" Pettis. Not only did he win, but he completely dominated Pettis for the entire fight, ironically, with his grappling.
Many of us who join for the battle for sexual purity are, like Dos Anjos, fighting injured. Our injuries may be mental (i.e. porn or "romance novels"), physical (previous illicit encounters with the opposite or same gender), emotional (getting dumped by a boyfriend who didn't want to wait until marriage for sex or ditched by a girlfriend who found a guy with more money), or spiritual (dealing with church members who won't forgive you for your past or encourage you to pursue a godly future, or even worse, encountering demonic activity). These wounds may tempt us to give up on purity entirely. However, the good news is that purity is still possible, no matter what we have done and no matter what has happened to us in our past.
The same Jesus Christ who gave victory to Rafael Dos Anjos at UFC 185 is the same Jesus who will, if we believe in Him, give us victory in the "octagon" of sexual purity!
This does not mean that we should take foolish risks. Just like Dos Anjos had to stop grappling for a while to keep his injury from getting worse before UFC 185, we must limit our training when it comes to romance to keep our injuries from getting worse. For example, we may not be able to have a romantic relationship for at least six months because we are still recovering from past traumas or self-inflicted wounds. And just like some athletes have to get surgery and physical therapy to recover from injuries, we may need to counseling and other professional services to help us deal with the injuries we sustain as sexual purity "athletic competitors."
Nonetheless, we should never give up in our quest for the undisputed championship titles of "The Sexual Force Unleashed" and "Romantic World Peace" within a godly marriage. For, as Dos Anjos shouted from the top of the cage after his victory, "Through Jesus, you can do all things!"
1 Samuel 17:45, "David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied." (NIV)
Friday, March 6, 2015
Why So Serious? The Reason Why I Decided To Stay A Virgin Before Marriage
Heath Ledger's version of Batman's archenemy, the Joker, is perhaps the scariest movie villain I have ever seen. Every time I hear the line "Why so serious?" I get chills down my spine. The reason why the Joker was so terrifying in "The Dark Knight" was that he was absolutely evil. He murdered innocent people, slaughtered law enforcement officials, and even blew up a hospital just for kicks.
The reason why I chose to stop my quest to lose my virginity before marriage and decided to stay pure for my future wife is for the same reason: sexual immorality is ABSOLUTELY EVIL. Allowing sexual immorality to reign in your life is as destructive as letting the Joker run amok in Gotham.
As I have mentioned before, I almost lost my virginity when I was in college. The only reason why I didn't was because my female friend knew I was waiting until marriage, went on a guilt trip, and backed off. A few years after she spared my virginity, I saw the damage that "The Joker" of sexual immorality did to my peers after they went nuts in college (or high school).
Three of my peers got divorced in their TWENTIES. One of them got knocked up and went through the mayhem of juggling school, work, and being a single mom. Another one of them rushed into a shotgun wedding after they knocked up their booty call and is constantly fighting with their spouse. Another one of my peers got a sexually transmitted disease from one of their so-called "friends-with-benefits" and gave it to at least one other person. At least three of my peers moved in with "boyfriends" who just used them for sex, so they basically became live-in prostitutes. Two of my peers got so burned out by promiscuity with the opposite gender that they decided to pursue self-destructive relationships with the same gender. These testimonies of terror are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to people I know who were demolished by "The Joker" of sexual immorality.
We have two choices: get rid of sexual immorality completely, or let it run amok in our lives. I have made my decision based on the hell of people who've learned the hard way that forbidden sexual desires, like Batman's archenemy, are no joke. What will your decision be?
The reason why I chose to stop my quest to lose my virginity before marriage and decided to stay pure for my future wife is for the same reason: sexual immorality is ABSOLUTELY EVIL. Allowing sexual immorality to reign in your life is as destructive as letting the Joker run amok in Gotham.
As I have mentioned before, I almost lost my virginity when I was in college. The only reason why I didn't was because my female friend knew I was waiting until marriage, went on a guilt trip, and backed off. A few years after she spared my virginity, I saw the damage that "The Joker" of sexual immorality did to my peers after they went nuts in college (or high school).
Three of my peers got divorced in their TWENTIES. One of them got knocked up and went through the mayhem of juggling school, work, and being a single mom. Another one of them rushed into a shotgun wedding after they knocked up their booty call and is constantly fighting with their spouse. Another one of my peers got a sexually transmitted disease from one of their so-called "friends-with-benefits" and gave it to at least one other person. At least three of my peers moved in with "boyfriends" who just used them for sex, so they basically became live-in prostitutes. Two of my peers got so burned out by promiscuity with the opposite gender that they decided to pursue self-destructive relationships with the same gender. These testimonies of terror are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to people I know who were demolished by "The Joker" of sexual immorality.
We have two choices: get rid of sexual immorality completely, or let it run amok in our lives. I have made my decision based on the hell of people who've learned the hard way that forbidden sexual desires, like Batman's archenemy, are no joke. What will your decision be?
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Just Say No To Sexual "Drugs": Save Your Testimony By Staying Clean And Sober
At UFC 183, one of my favorite UFC fighters made a comeback after suffering a leg injury that would have ended anybody else's career. For those of you who didn't see the injury, it was a real-life version of the shin-breaking ending of the last fight in "Undisputed 3." At one point, most people, myself included, considered this former champion the G.O.A.T. (i.e. "Greatest Of All Time") of MMA. However, his triumphant return fell under the dark shadow of failed PED tests when it was revealed that not one, but two of his drug tests came back positive for steroids (see the click below):
Ironically, if Anderson Silva had fought his opponent and lost, but tested negative, his legacy would still be intact. But now, everything that "The Spider" has accomplished in MMA is irreparably smeared due to poor decisions made at the tail end of an otherwise glorious career. Likewise, if we, as Christians, lead many people to salvation through the gospel, but are exposed for taking the sexual "steroids" of immorality, our godly witness will be irrepairably damaged. In fact, this already happened to the man who was "after God's own heart": King David. The valiant shepherd boy who slew Goliath and became Israel's greatest king is also known as the guy who seduced Uriah the Hittite's wife, knocked her up, and killed her husband to avoid scandal. King David took his wickedness to an extreme, but the reality is that ANYONE can fall into sexual sin. Any man or woman who doesn't believe that they can fall into sexual sin has severely underestimated their greatest opponent: their own heart.
My worse fear is that, as I seek to honor God by staying a virgin before marriage, I will screw up in a really big way and destroy my ministry before it even begins. I know that, under the right circumstances, the wrong woman can turn me out and make me look stupid in front of the people I am trying to reach for Christ. I also know that this temptation won't stop even after I am married, which is why I won't ever hang out alone with a woman who isn't my wife, mother, or, if I am blessed with children, my daughters. The last thing I need is a mistress going to my future congregation and saying:
"Hi everybody! I am your pastor's mistress! I rode your minister like a male harlot! Giddity, giddity, giddity!" (Insert female version of Quagmire's voice from "Family Guy").
DON'T do sexual steroids. This includes any kind of immorality, even that porn habit that you only indulge in "once in a while" (which we both know is really every night, and ladies, novels like "Fifty Shades Of Grey" count). Lay off the drugs of forbidden desires and fight clean and sober for Jesus!
Numbers 32:23 "But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the Lord; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out." (NIV)
Ironically, if Anderson Silva had fought his opponent and lost, but tested negative, his legacy would still be intact. But now, everything that "The Spider" has accomplished in MMA is irreparably smeared due to poor decisions made at the tail end of an otherwise glorious career. Likewise, if we, as Christians, lead many people to salvation through the gospel, but are exposed for taking the sexual "steroids" of immorality, our godly witness will be irrepairably damaged. In fact, this already happened to the man who was "after God's own heart": King David. The valiant shepherd boy who slew Goliath and became Israel's greatest king is also known as the guy who seduced Uriah the Hittite's wife, knocked her up, and killed her husband to avoid scandal. King David took his wickedness to an extreme, but the reality is that ANYONE can fall into sexual sin. Any man or woman who doesn't believe that they can fall into sexual sin has severely underestimated their greatest opponent: their own heart.
My worse fear is that, as I seek to honor God by staying a virgin before marriage, I will screw up in a really big way and destroy my ministry before it even begins. I know that, under the right circumstances, the wrong woman can turn me out and make me look stupid in front of the people I am trying to reach for Christ. I also know that this temptation won't stop even after I am married, which is why I won't ever hang out alone with a woman who isn't my wife, mother, or, if I am blessed with children, my daughters. The last thing I need is a mistress going to my future congregation and saying:
"Hi everybody! I am your pastor's mistress! I rode your minister like a male harlot! Giddity, giddity, giddity!" (Insert female version of Quagmire's voice from "Family Guy").
DON'T do sexual steroids. This includes any kind of immorality, even that porn habit that you only indulge in "once in a while" (which we both know is really every night, and ladies, novels like "Fifty Shades Of Grey" count). Lay off the drugs of forbidden desires and fight clean and sober for Jesus!
Numbers 32:23 "But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the Lord; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out." (NIV)
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Last Man Standing: My Decision To Stay The Course, No Matter What
Last week, I was seriously wavering on the issue of purity. Due to bitterness over the fact that I am nowhere near where I expected to be in my late twenties, and am in no position to support a girlfriend, much less a wife and children, I began to wonder what was the point. Why pursue a dream that is never going to happen? More importantly, why avoid a life of hedonistic pleasure if my desire to serve God will never be blessed?
Fortunately, I came to my senses and remembered that that life of "hedonistic pleasure" leads to death, divorce, or Baby Momma Drama. I also remembered that God always blesses a servant who seeks Him with all His heart, even if that doesn't happen in this life. So for that reason, I have decided to stay the course, remain a virgin until marriage, and use my chastity to lead others to a saving relationship with Christ, no matter what happens in my life.
Fortunately, I came to my senses and remembered that that life of "hedonistic pleasure" leads to death, divorce, or Baby Momma Drama. I also remembered that God always blesses a servant who seeks Him with all His heart, even if that doesn't happen in this life. So for that reason, I have decided to stay the course, remain a virgin until marriage, and use my chastity to lead others to a saving relationship with Christ, no matter what happens in my life.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Royal Rumble! How Anthony Johnson Inspired Me to Continue My Battle For Purity
This past Saturday, Alexander "The Mauler" Gustafsson and Anthony "Rumble" Johnson faced off to decide who would get the next title shot against Jon Jones. I thought that Gustafsson would pick Johnson apart to win a unanimous decision. I was wrong. Johnson smashed him within the first round. As much as I was disappointed that Gustafsson lost, Johnson gave me hope. The man known as "Rumble" is my age and on his way to accomplishing his dream, despite being cut by the UFC a couple of years ago after being crushed by Vitor Belfort. This event taught me that, if it's God's Will, it's never too late to turn things around. That's why I'm grateful to"Rumble" for inspiring me to continue my quest to stay pure for my wife, in spite of the fact that I am turning 30 this year and have no romantic prospects whatsoever.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
I Have A Dream: Please Pray That I Become Purity's Martin Luther King, Jr.
Happy Early Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Everyone!
I just watched Dr. King's "I Have A Dream" speech. As a Christian black man myself, I truly admire the fact that Dr. King lived out his faith through using the gospel to fight for Civil Rights. He wasn't obsessed with racial pride, nor did he create an "Evil White Guy" boogeyman as a tool to exploit his own community for personal gain. Instead, he fought not only for equality for all, but also for fellowship and brotherhood between people of all colors. The reason why he was so effective was that he used the power of the gospel to change America for the better.
And that's why I am asking you all to pray for me tomorrow, on Dr. King's birthday, so that I am empowered to change people for the better with the gospel.
My mission is to free people from slavery to lust by encouraging them to wait until marriage before having sex and to stay faithful to their spouses "Til Death Do Them Part." I want them to reject the world's lie that "sexual freedom" means recklessly screwing everything that moves. Many of my peers have believed that lie and guess what it got them? Divorce, addiction, Baby Momma Drama, and death of either themselves via disease or their kids in abortion clinics. Some of my peers are so "burnt out" by repeatedly having their hearts' dismembered that they don't even want to get married in the first place. Others are so traumatized that they have become suicidal.
I want to show people what true love and sexual freedom is by remaining a virgin until I am married and staying faithful to my wife "Til Death Do Us Part." In particular, I want to reach young men, because we receive very little encouragement from the church and our parents to stay pure so that we can truly love and lead (yes, that's right, LEAD) our families with integrity and truth. I want to free us from evil influences on TV and the internet who want to turn us and our female friends into a generation of perverted psychopaths that they can exploit for financial gain.
I have a dream that, through the gospel, my generation, and the one after it, can experience "The Sexual Force Unleashed" and "Romantic World Peace" within Christ-centered marriages. Please pray that the Holy Spirit purifies me and uses me to help young men and women achieve this goal, so that, one day, in God-honoring, OPPOSITE-sex marriages, they can say:
"Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"
I just watched Dr. King's "I Have A Dream" speech. As a Christian black man myself, I truly admire the fact that Dr. King lived out his faith through using the gospel to fight for Civil Rights. He wasn't obsessed with racial pride, nor did he create an "Evil White Guy" boogeyman as a tool to exploit his own community for personal gain. Instead, he fought not only for equality for all, but also for fellowship and brotherhood between people of all colors. The reason why he was so effective was that he used the power of the gospel to change America for the better.
And that's why I am asking you all to pray for me tomorrow, on Dr. King's birthday, so that I am empowered to change people for the better with the gospel.
My mission is to free people from slavery to lust by encouraging them to wait until marriage before having sex and to stay faithful to their spouses "Til Death Do Them Part." I want them to reject the world's lie that "sexual freedom" means recklessly screwing everything that moves. Many of my peers have believed that lie and guess what it got them? Divorce, addiction, Baby Momma Drama, and death of either themselves via disease or their kids in abortion clinics. Some of my peers are so "burnt out" by repeatedly having their hearts' dismembered that they don't even want to get married in the first place. Others are so traumatized that they have become suicidal.
I want to show people what true love and sexual freedom is by remaining a virgin until I am married and staying faithful to my wife "Til Death Do Us Part." In particular, I want to reach young men, because we receive very little encouragement from the church and our parents to stay pure so that we can truly love and lead (yes, that's right, LEAD) our families with integrity and truth. I want to free us from evil influences on TV and the internet who want to turn us and our female friends into a generation of perverted psychopaths that they can exploit for financial gain.
I have a dream that, through the gospel, my generation, and the one after it, can experience "The Sexual Force Unleashed" and "Romantic World Peace" within Christ-centered marriages. Please pray that the Holy Spirit purifies me and uses me to help young men and women achieve this goal, so that, one day, in God-honoring, OPPOSITE-sex marriages, they can say:
"Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"
Monday, January 12, 2015
Spiritual Jiu-Jitsu: Rolling With God To Stay Pure Through Devotionals
When I taught Krav Maga, my fellow instructors and the adult students would often "roll" (the grappling equivalent of sparring) with each other to practice the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu aspect of the Israeli martial art. Rolling was not only lots of fun, but it also helped us develop our groundfighting techniques.
For twelve days straight, I have been "rolling" with God through doing Spiritual Jiu-Jitsu, which is better known as devotionals.
This is something I have not yet mastered. For the majority of my life, I primarily cried out to God if I wanted something or was in a crisis situation where I was completely screwed. That, quite frankly, is as shallow as only talking to your wife when you want sex (or, if you're a lady, only talking to your husband when you want him to buy you stuff). This year, I decided to change that and develop a meaningful relationship with Christ, not least because I want to be a pure and godly husband for my future wife. Other reasons why I got serious this year was because:
1) I turn 30 this year and realize that I have accomplished very little for God (or in any other area of my life) during my young adult years. My last major success was getting a Christian short story published when I was 25. While many crises have happened in my life which were beyond my control, I also did a lot of stupid things and squandered many valuable opportunities, which made my situation even worse. I will write the full story in a memoir called "That Was Then, This Is Now."
In other words, keeping my virginity is the only victory I currently have, which is one reason why I am clinging on to it so adamantly.
2) Joseph, one of my favorite historical figures, became Prime Minister of Egypt at 30. This was after Joseph spent at least 2 years languishing in jail. His master's wife got him imprisoned because she wanted to screw his brains out and he wouldn't let her. So she lied and claimed he tried to rape her (which is why I always tell guys never to hang out alone with a girl-whatever she says happened, happened). This was already after his own brothers sold him into slavery to begin with. When Joseph was 30, God vindicated him for always staying faithful, particularly in regards to his purity, by making him Prime Minister of Egypt. I don't think I'll ever run for public office, but I do believe that this is the year that God will vindicate me as well IF I remain faithful to Him.
3) Jesus, my Savior, started His ministry when He was 30. Since I want to honor Him, 30 sounds like a good age to get everything back on track.
Obviously, doing this is no cake walk. The last thing our culture wants is another godly man who refuses to join or condone the antics of the Lewd World Order. Satan and his demons don't want an authentic Christian who will rescue more soul-trafficking victims from their "Brothel of the Damned" through the gospel. On top of that, my own heart will continue to wage the fleshly jihad of lust against my soul until I die. In order to succeed, I must continue to do my Spiritual Jiu-Jitsu sessions with God for the rest of my life. If I do, not only will I experience "The Sexual Force Unleashed" and "Romantic World Peace" within marriage, but I will also lead others to Christ, the only One Who can give eternal life.
Genesis 32: 24-28, "So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man.
Then the man said, 'Let me go, for it is daybreak.'
But Jacob replied, 'I will not let you go unless you bless me.'
The man asked him, 'What is your name?'
'Jacob,' he answered.
Then the man said, 'Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.'” (NIV)
For twelve days straight, I have been "rolling" with God through doing Spiritual Jiu-Jitsu, which is better known as devotionals.
This is something I have not yet mastered. For the majority of my life, I primarily cried out to God if I wanted something or was in a crisis situation where I was completely screwed. That, quite frankly, is as shallow as only talking to your wife when you want sex (or, if you're a lady, only talking to your husband when you want him to buy you stuff). This year, I decided to change that and develop a meaningful relationship with Christ, not least because I want to be a pure and godly husband for my future wife. Other reasons why I got serious this year was because:
1) I turn 30 this year and realize that I have accomplished very little for God (or in any other area of my life) during my young adult years. My last major success was getting a Christian short story published when I was 25. While many crises have happened in my life which were beyond my control, I also did a lot of stupid things and squandered many valuable opportunities, which made my situation even worse. I will write the full story in a memoir called "That Was Then, This Is Now."
In other words, keeping my virginity is the only victory I currently have, which is one reason why I am clinging on to it so adamantly.
2) Joseph, one of my favorite historical figures, became Prime Minister of Egypt at 30. This was after Joseph spent at least 2 years languishing in jail. His master's wife got him imprisoned because she wanted to screw his brains out and he wouldn't let her. So she lied and claimed he tried to rape her (which is why I always tell guys never to hang out alone with a girl-whatever she says happened, happened). This was already after his own brothers sold him into slavery to begin with. When Joseph was 30, God vindicated him for always staying faithful, particularly in regards to his purity, by making him Prime Minister of Egypt. I don't think I'll ever run for public office, but I do believe that this is the year that God will vindicate me as well IF I remain faithful to Him.
3) Jesus, my Savior, started His ministry when He was 30. Since I want to honor Him, 30 sounds like a good age to get everything back on track.
Obviously, doing this is no cake walk. The last thing our culture wants is another godly man who refuses to join or condone the antics of the Lewd World Order. Satan and his demons don't want an authentic Christian who will rescue more soul-trafficking victims from their "Brothel of the Damned" through the gospel. On top of that, my own heart will continue to wage the fleshly jihad of lust against my soul until I die. In order to succeed, I must continue to do my Spiritual Jiu-Jitsu sessions with God for the rest of my life. If I do, not only will I experience "The Sexual Force Unleashed" and "Romantic World Peace" within marriage, but I will also lead others to Christ, the only One Who can give eternal life.
Genesis 32: 24-28, "So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man.
Then the man said, 'Let me go, for it is daybreak.'
But Jacob replied, 'I will not let you go unless you bless me.'
The man asked him, 'What is your name?'
'Jacob,' he answered.
Then the man said, 'Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.'” (NIV)
Monday, January 5, 2015
Stop Being Fake: Why Being Authentically Pure Is Important For Your Christian Witness
At UFC 182, a world champion, who is also a professing Christian, fought a man with whom he's been feuding for years. He prayed before entering the cage and prayed one more time before the start of the final round. About five minutes later, not only did he sucker-punch his opponent after the bell, but he also did the D-X "Suck It" gesture to him in front of an audience which included women and kids.
This champion has long faced criticism for acting like a nice, wholesome guy in public and behaving differently behind the scenes. His opponent once gave him a backhanded compliment by saying that he was really good at being fake. At this fight (and events leading up to it, including a brawl at a publicity event), not only did the champion's actions validate what his detractors said about him, but it left a bad taste in the mouth of a public that has already become suspicious and hostile towards anyone who claims to be a Christian.
In a similar manner, when a Christian claims to be sold-out for Jesus, but their sexual behavior says otherwise, they publicly embarrass the Savior Whom they claim to worship. A google search on your smartphone will bring up an entire Rogue's Gallery of pastors and priests who've destroyed their testimony through affairs. This doesn't even include the ones who have taken it even further and committed unspeakable criminal acts against their congregation members. It's not just the men, anymore, either: on several Christian radio and TV programs, I've heard testimonies of women who've cheated on their husbands, often with another church member. When it comes to young people, many of my peers in the church have admitted to throwing away their V-card before marriage, usually in their teens or early in college. Suffice it to say that many of them haven't learned their lesson.
Even though I am a virgin, I tried very hard to lose my V-card in college. I even joined a frat and drank heavily in repeated attempts to get equally drunk young women into the sack, all of which failed due to divine intervention and really bad social skills. During this time, I met several fellow Christian "Two-Faces" and my reprehensible behavior validated theirs. I am ashamed to say that I embarrassed Jesus on a nightly basis, leading my frat brothers and other drinking buddies to openly ridicule me whenever I tried to witness to them. Their mockery was their way of letting me know that I was really good at being fake.
You may be really good at being fake, but sooner or later, your true colors will reveal themselves. In particular, if you try to have a lifestyle of fake purity, you will get busted. At the very least, your ex-lovers will gossip about you to all of their friends and your reputation will turn off anyone whom you try to witness to. Rest assured, that kind of slander spreads faster than an angry celebrity's rant on Twitter. If you are really unlucky, you may get exposed by a paternity test, getting knocked up, or prescription slips for STD meds. And thanks to the Internet, you can get busted in all sorts of new, hi-speed, wireless ways. Your ex might Instagram photos of you in various states of undress or put them on Facebook. That "private video" of you two going at it might even wind up in cyberspace. Try witnessing to someone after they see you bending the new Sunday School teacher over a desk on Youtube and see how far that gets you.
Needless to say that, if you decide to take it even further and commit criminal acts, a simple 911 call will result in you giving your testimony to Big Bubba (or Big Bertha), in the prison showers (Ouch...).
So don't be good at being fake! Be authentic and dedicate yourself fully to a life of purity so that you can lead others to Christ.
Rev 3:15-16, "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." (NIV)
This champion has long faced criticism for acting like a nice, wholesome guy in public and behaving differently behind the scenes. His opponent once gave him a backhanded compliment by saying that he was really good at being fake. At this fight (and events leading up to it, including a brawl at a publicity event), not only did the champion's actions validate what his detractors said about him, but it left a bad taste in the mouth of a public that has already become suspicious and hostile towards anyone who claims to be a Christian.
In a similar manner, when a Christian claims to be sold-out for Jesus, but their sexual behavior says otherwise, they publicly embarrass the Savior Whom they claim to worship. A google search on your smartphone will bring up an entire Rogue's Gallery of pastors and priests who've destroyed their testimony through affairs. This doesn't even include the ones who have taken it even further and committed unspeakable criminal acts against their congregation members. It's not just the men, anymore, either: on several Christian radio and TV programs, I've heard testimonies of women who've cheated on their husbands, often with another church member. When it comes to young people, many of my peers in the church have admitted to throwing away their V-card before marriage, usually in their teens or early in college. Suffice it to say that many of them haven't learned their lesson.
Even though I am a virgin, I tried very hard to lose my V-card in college. I even joined a frat and drank heavily in repeated attempts to get equally drunk young women into the sack, all of which failed due to divine intervention and really bad social skills. During this time, I met several fellow Christian "Two-Faces" and my reprehensible behavior validated theirs. I am ashamed to say that I embarrassed Jesus on a nightly basis, leading my frat brothers and other drinking buddies to openly ridicule me whenever I tried to witness to them. Their mockery was their way of letting me know that I was really good at being fake.
You may be really good at being fake, but sooner or later, your true colors will reveal themselves. In particular, if you try to have a lifestyle of fake purity, you will get busted. At the very least, your ex-lovers will gossip about you to all of their friends and your reputation will turn off anyone whom you try to witness to. Rest assured, that kind of slander spreads faster than an angry celebrity's rant on Twitter. If you are really unlucky, you may get exposed by a paternity test, getting knocked up, or prescription slips for STD meds. And thanks to the Internet, you can get busted in all sorts of new, hi-speed, wireless ways. Your ex might Instagram photos of you in various states of undress or put them on Facebook. That "private video" of you two going at it might even wind up in cyberspace. Try witnessing to someone after they see you bending the new Sunday School teacher over a desk on Youtube and see how far that gets you.
Needless to say that, if you decide to take it even further and commit criminal acts, a simple 911 call will result in you giving your testimony to Big Bubba (or Big Bertha), in the prison showers (Ouch...).
So don't be good at being fake! Be authentic and dedicate yourself fully to a life of purity so that you can lead others to Christ.
Rev 3:15-16, "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." (NIV)
Friday, January 2, 2015
Surviving Arkham! How Jesus Helped Me Complete My Fast!
Happy Belated New Year and Christmas, Everyone!
Just wanted to let you all know that at 3:04 p.m. on December 27th of last year, Christ gave me the strength to complete my fast for my future wife. Here is a brief synopsis of what happened.
Day 1 (12/23 at 3:00 to 12/24 at 3:00)-I missed out on my "last meal" because of sheer stupidity, so I had nothing in my stomach when I went to work that night. It was awful: people were offering free food (popcorn and chocolate) for the holidays and on top of that, several December birthdays were being celebrated at our Christmas gift exchange, so there were three cakes. I actually stepped outside during this time because I was getting cranky and didn't want to take it out on my coworkers.
It was late this night that Jesus gave me a new focus for my fast: to pray that my wife has living faith in Him (I haven't met her yet, so I don't know whether or not she is saved).
Everything else I wanted (including mind-blowing sex), would fall into place if she received that.
Day 2 (12/24 at 3:00 to 12/25 at 3:00)-This was my first ever Christmas Eve candlelight service. During it, my friend Trav invited me over to have cocoa and cookies with his family. I was all for it, thinking that I could resist the temptation to break my fast and just drink water. Then I remembered how I had thought the same thing during my first ever attempt to fast. Back then, an acquaintance from a different church invited me to his family's new place to watch Summerslam and they ordered pizza. Suffice it to say that pepperoni laid the Smackdown on my desire for spiritual growth. So sadly, I had to bow out of cookies and cocoa. Next year, though, I hope Trav has some oatmeal raisin handy...
Day 3 (12/25 at 3:00-12/26 at 3:00)-On Christmas Day, I received a container full of chocolates as a gift and later, found out my Mom had included gingerbread in the package she and Dad had sent. I put both in the fridge so I wouldn't be tempted. I didn't do much except walk around a local park. This was a mistake because lots of families were having picnics and playing soccer. I simply did my best not to enjoy the smells until I went back home at nightfall, only to wake up covered in insect bites (I made sure to spray my room down later).
Day 4 (12/26 at 3:00-12/27 at 3:04). Starting a little after 3:00 on 12/26, I felt a strong urge to quit. I thought that I heard the Holy Spirit telling me that I had done enough and that I could quit. I repeatedly said that if I stopped before the four days were finished, that I would look stupid, so I continued anyway. Not to mention that that "still small voice" may have been my stomach trying to counterfeit God's voice to make me give up.
It was during that time that I experienced the hardest part of fasting: psychological torture. This is where all of your inner demons (namely, wicked things that people have done to you and even worse, wicked things you've done to other people) come roaring out of your subconsciousness to disembowel your soul. For my fellow superhero fans, this is basically the mental version of Batman fighting his way through Arkham Asylum. Only, you're Batman (or Catwoman for you ladies-Batgirl sucks...). How did I make it through? Forgiveness and repentance, and turning my past over to Christ. That is the only way to make it through.
After waking up on the 27th, I went to the library, which I spent watching things such as the promos of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" and "Avengers 2" on Youtube. It was while I was watching clips on Youtube which mirrored what I was experiencing that I felt convicted to spend my last half hour of fasting in prayer. So I dedicated five minutes of prayer to each thing I wanted for me and my future wife (grace, love, justice, and truth). Then I spent the rest of the time praying for my future wife to have living faith. At the end, outside, I had a vision (or at least, a really vivid memory) of Stone Cold beating Shawn Michaels for the WWE title (back when it was known as the WWF title) at Wrestlemania 14. I believe that this was confirmation from God that my fast was a success. I celebrated by listening to "Born Again" by Newsboys, because I felt like a completely new person once the fast was over.
I have no idea when (or where) I will meet my future wife. However, when I do, I look forward to hearing about the miracles that God will do in her life because of this fast.
Ephesians 5:25-28 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself." (NIV)
Just wanted to let you all know that at 3:04 p.m. on December 27th of last year, Christ gave me the strength to complete my fast for my future wife. Here is a brief synopsis of what happened.
Day 1 (12/23 at 3:00 to 12/24 at 3:00)-I missed out on my "last meal" because of sheer stupidity, so I had nothing in my stomach when I went to work that night. It was awful: people were offering free food (popcorn and chocolate) for the holidays and on top of that, several December birthdays were being celebrated at our Christmas gift exchange, so there were three cakes. I actually stepped outside during this time because I was getting cranky and didn't want to take it out on my coworkers.
It was late this night that Jesus gave me a new focus for my fast: to pray that my wife has living faith in Him (I haven't met her yet, so I don't know whether or not she is saved).
Everything else I wanted (including mind-blowing sex), would fall into place if she received that.
Day 2 (12/24 at 3:00 to 12/25 at 3:00)-This was my first ever Christmas Eve candlelight service. During it, my friend Trav invited me over to have cocoa and cookies with his family. I was all for it, thinking that I could resist the temptation to break my fast and just drink water. Then I remembered how I had thought the same thing during my first ever attempt to fast. Back then, an acquaintance from a different church invited me to his family's new place to watch Summerslam and they ordered pizza. Suffice it to say that pepperoni laid the Smackdown on my desire for spiritual growth. So sadly, I had to bow out of cookies and cocoa. Next year, though, I hope Trav has some oatmeal raisin handy...
Day 3 (12/25 at 3:00-12/26 at 3:00)-On Christmas Day, I received a container full of chocolates as a gift and later, found out my Mom had included gingerbread in the package she and Dad had sent. I put both in the fridge so I wouldn't be tempted. I didn't do much except walk around a local park. This was a mistake because lots of families were having picnics and playing soccer. I simply did my best not to enjoy the smells until I went back home at nightfall, only to wake up covered in insect bites (I made sure to spray my room down later).
Day 4 (12/26 at 3:00-12/27 at 3:04). Starting a little after 3:00 on 12/26, I felt a strong urge to quit. I thought that I heard the Holy Spirit telling me that I had done enough and that I could quit. I repeatedly said that if I stopped before the four days were finished, that I would look stupid, so I continued anyway. Not to mention that that "still small voice" may have been my stomach trying to counterfeit God's voice to make me give up.
It was during that time that I experienced the hardest part of fasting: psychological torture. This is where all of your inner demons (namely, wicked things that people have done to you and even worse, wicked things you've done to other people) come roaring out of your subconsciousness to disembowel your soul. For my fellow superhero fans, this is basically the mental version of Batman fighting his way through Arkham Asylum. Only, you're Batman (or Catwoman for you ladies-Batgirl sucks...). How did I make it through? Forgiveness and repentance, and turning my past over to Christ. That is the only way to make it through.
After waking up on the 27th, I went to the library, which I spent watching things such as the promos of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" and "Avengers 2" on Youtube. It was while I was watching clips on Youtube which mirrored what I was experiencing that I felt convicted to spend my last half hour of fasting in prayer. So I dedicated five minutes of prayer to each thing I wanted for me and my future wife (grace, love, justice, and truth). Then I spent the rest of the time praying for my future wife to have living faith. At the end, outside, I had a vision (or at least, a really vivid memory) of Stone Cold beating Shawn Michaels for the WWE title (back when it was known as the WWF title) at Wrestlemania 14. I believe that this was confirmation from God that my fast was a success. I celebrated by listening to "Born Again" by Newsboys, because I felt like a completely new person once the fast was over.
I have no idea when (or where) I will meet my future wife. However, when I do, I look forward to hearing about the miracles that God will do in her life because of this fast.
Ephesians 5:25-28 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself." (NIV)
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