Saturday, July 11, 2015

Shark Week! Recognizing The First Kind Of Romantic "Apex Predator"

You know how your friends always tell you that there are "plenty of fish in the sea" when it comes to romance (usually after you've been dumped)?  Well, some of those fish are SHARKS!!!!

In other words, you're not a possible spouse to these people.  YOU'RE DINNER!

This is especially true if you are a virgin seeking to stay pure before marriage.  Once you make that decision, every shark in the ocean of love will be trying to take a bite out of your butt.  The most dangerous kind of shark in this particular ocean is the person who I call the "Great White."

Your V-card has a much of a chance of surviving an attack from a "Great White" player/playeress as a seal does against the most vicious shark alive.  Photo from National Geographic:

Great Whites are the apex predators of the dating world.  They usually hunt alone, although they sometimes work in pairs.  Like their namesake, they "circle you" by earning your trust and getting you emotionally involved with them.  They pretend to be your greatest confidant, listening patiently as you bare your soul to them, until they finally make a move by inviting you over to their place to "talk."  Then, when you least expect it....


They sneak attack you from below like a stealthy 21-ft, 3-ton fish monster and, like an unsuspecting seal, your V-card goes flying out of the water in the mouth of their lust a la "Air Jaws."

Here are some common traits of a "Great White":
-They are usually male, although a growing percentage of females (mostly MILFs) are joining their ranks
-They are usually modestly dressed and very subtle so that they don't scare you off
-They are usually older (late twenties/early thirties)
-They are usually overqualified (i.e., a lot better-looking than you, a lot smarter than you, and have a lot more money than you)
-They constantly try to get you alone and are very persistent
-They are very observant and "helpful" (i.e. they offer you gas money or a ride home if you're broke)

So the next time a rich, unusually helpful, highly sophisticated, and dead-sexy woman (or man if you're a woman) shows a lot of interest in you, BEWARE!  They may be a Great White looking for their next meal. 

In my next post, I will discuss the other apex predator of the ocean of love: the Orca