It took several catch-up sessions, but I completed all of my November prayers for Anderson Cooper's salvation. On top of that, I finished the rest of my novel for NaNoWritMo (excluding some blanks for when I didn't have a Naming Book handy for new characters). That being said, I have decided to make this month's prayer project about me, so that I can finally defeat my Achilles' Heel, which I have nicknamed "Bane", after the supervillain who broke Batman's back.
Even after we are saved, Christians still have certain sins that constantly trip them up. Now don't panic: I am still a virgin, and am determined to maintain my Chastity Wrestlemania "Streak" intact until my wedding night. That being said, my spiritual "Bane" (which will be revealed in a future memoir called "That Was Then, This Is Now"), is kicking my butt, and has since I started fighting it nine years ago. For that reason, I am praying for fifteen minutes a day that Jesus Christ strengthens me so that I can crush my spiritual "Bane" once and for all, and so my life can finally be rid of all things that destroy my ability to be an effective witness for him.