Hey, listen, I do think it is important for Christian women to be modest, but this situation that I read about on Yahoo! Shine is over-the-top. Ashanti McShan is suing Burger King for firing her two years ago for wearing a skirt to her work orientation instead of pants. She's claiming that they violated her religious rights, because as a Pentecostal Christian, she does not believe women should wear pants because that counts as wearing men's clothing. While I don't think they should have fired her over it, I doubt that this had anything to do with her being a Christian. Rather, I think that it had everything to do with her NOT FOLLOWING THE UNIFORM GUIDELINES!!!!
The fact is that the Bible does not say that women cannot wear pants. This is a man-made tradition that many legalistic extremists have "put in God's mouth" so to speak, not only embarrassing themselves but the rest of the Christian community as well. This is what the Bible actually says:
"A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this." (Deuteronomy 22:5)
What the Bible is actually banning is cross-dressing. In other words, in whatever society you are in, men should wear clothes designed for men and women should wear clothes designed for women. Since pants are designed for either gender, it really doesn't apply here. Not to mention that in the ancient Near East, nobody wore pants! They wore tunics and cloaks! In other words, this lawsuit is complete nonsense and I hope that it is thrown out of court immediately.
Look, if you are a lady, and you feel that wearing a skirt allows you to serve God better, fine. God does allow room for personal preference and individuality on certain issues (Romans 14:1-23). However, you must understand that you have no right to force your personal preferences on others, especially not on a secular employer. If you don't want to follow their rules on things such as dress code, work somewhere else. Never try to pass off your church culture's eccentricities as God's commands. It's not only wrong, but it also gives a bad witness to non-believers, and the whole point of being a Christian is to lead people to Jesus Christ, not drive them away.
You can read the full article, which was written by Lylah M. Alphonse, at the following link: