Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August Celebrity Prayer Project: Madonna

My July Celebrity Prayer Project started well, but it ended in failure.  I stayed consistent with it for about a week, but then my life got extremely hectic and I lost focus.  However, I know that if I persevere, I will become a true prayer warrior.  That's why I am going to try again with this month's Celebrity Prayer Project: Madonna.  I became addicted to "Vogue" after seeing her awesome Superbowl Halftime Show and enjoy her other songs when they play in the store on the radio.  Out of all the female artists in that genre whom I have heard, she is still the best one.  However, after hearing about the flash-happy incident which she had in Turkey, it is clear that she still needs to find Jesus.  For that reason, I will be praying this month for fifteen minutes every day that the "Queen of Pop" allows herself to be saved by the King of Kings.

(Photo from