Vanity is an equal opportunity employer. Anyone (male or female) who likes to show off their body in public is doing it FOR. THE. ATTENTION!!!!
Obviously, a woman isn't easy just because she doesn't dress like Mother Teresa. That being said, a woman who walks around in yoga pants and posts belfies on Instagram is probably the same as the men who follow her (online and in-person): of inferior moral caliber. And quite frankly, it's not because they are insecure. It's actually the opposite: they have TOO MUCH self-esteem.
In math terms, too much self-esteem = arrogance.
Arrogance + marriage = your wife divorcing you to sleep with a man half your age when you get love handles.
So find a woman who is modest. I want to make it clear that modest does not always mean pure. Sometimes, it is a trick used by Apex Predators so they can attract and bed Christian men. However, modesty is a great sign of a woman who is HUMBLE.
In math terms, humble = low maintenance.
Low maintenance + marriage = your wife still riding you when you are 85 years old. Age is just a number when Jesus Christ is supernaturally empowering your sex life.*
On top of that, people (both male and female) who are humble tend to watch their diet and exercise. Nobody stays 21 forever BUT it's been scientifically proven that diet and exercise can significantly delay the aging process.
Not to mention that humble women can spot a male gold-digger a mile off and steer clear of them.** Loyalty is a trait valued by the humble.
Immodesty is bad fruit, and you need to pay attention so that you don't get royally screwed in divorce court later. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit.*** So if the woman you are interested in looks like she is a nudist in training, BEWARE! She only cares about her body being worshiped by others, and idolatry and Christ-centered marriage don't mix. If you marry someone like this, it will be nearly impossible for you two to lead others to surrender to Jesus Christ so that they can be saved from an eternity in the Lake of Fire. So recognize the good fruit of the humble, and marry a woman who puts Jesus Christ before her own desires (like you should be doing). For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.****
*Jesus Christ will only do this if you and your spouse are keeping your sex life within the confines of a Christ-centered, one-man, one-woman marriage.
**Humble, mature people recognize the truth about temptation: that if a younger, more attractive individual corners them in a hotel room and comes on to them, they're toast. So they are smart enough not to give the Big Game Hunter the opportunity: when it comes to purity, to borrow a quote from The Karate Kid 2, "Best block is no be there."
***Matthew 7:18 (ESV)
**** Romans 6:23 (ESV)