When most people think about the consequences of forbidden sex, STDs, abortions gone awry, and unwanted pregnancies come to mind. While you should be concerned about those things, the greatest long-term consequence of forbidden sex is far more severe. If you decide to give in to your heart's darkest desires (and let's just face it, we all have those), there is no condom or pill strong enough to prevent it from happening.
When you give up your V-Card before you are married, you are giving up your chance to fully experience "The Sexual Force Unleashed" with your opposite gender best friend. In other words, your only shot at enjoying a lifetime in a complete, intimate paradise will be LOST FOREVER!!!!
God designed sex to make a man and woman "one flesh" within marriage.
Genesis 2: 24 "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh." (NIV)
This is essentially the human version of nuclear fusion. Just like fusion is the most powerful energy source in the universe (one that still cannot be contained by mankind), marital sex is the most powerful energy source in human relationships. In fact, when utilized in the manner that God designed it, marital intimacy becomes "The Sexual Force Unleashed." It is so amazing that it can't truly be contained by mankind, either (we'll get to that in later posts).
The only way for you to fully experience "human fusion" is for there to be no barriers between you and your spouse. Only then can you two be combined and experience a lifetime of "The Sexual Force Unleashed." With that in mind, how can we possibly experience it with barriers between us such as:
-That smoking hot babe who lived down the hall from you freshman year?
-That handsome 27-year-old lawyer with the Lexus who you REALLY thought was in love with you during your first year in college?
-The stacked office secretary whom you graciously escorted to her apartment after happy hour? You know, to "be a gentleman."
-Your bff's older brother with the six-pack abs who you "hung out with" at her graduation party? Hey, that upstairs bedroom was the perfect place to get away from the noise and "chill", right?
-You get the idea...
Fusion can only occur if atoms are combined. Likewise, sexual fusion can only occur if a husband and wife are combined. This can only happen if there are no barriers between them. When it does, the couple will experience "The Sexual Force Unleashed", and be empowered not only to truly love each other, but to be phenomenal parents to their children, an amazing source of support for their friends, and dedicated, beneficial members of their church and the community at large.
Are you willing to make any sacrifice necessary to experience "The Sexual Force Unleashed" within your marriage? If so, read my next post to find out what you really gain when you give up forbidden sex.