Talking to people about Jesus Christ is like talking about Batman to Harvey Dent. For those of you who aren't familiar with the Batman comics, Harvey Dent was once Batman's ally and friend. However, after Harvey's face was scarred by a mobster during a trial, he turned evil and became Two-Face, one of Batman's mortal enemies. In a similar manner, humanity (through Adam and Eve), once enjoyed a close friendship with Jesus Christ. When we were tempted by Satan, we (through Adam and Eve) turned evil and became Christ's mortal enemies. Yet, in the same way that Batman still cares deeply about Harvey, so does Christ still care deeply about us. That's why those of us who have accepted Jesus as our personal Savior are called to preach the gospel: so that others can become saved. Even though non-Christians, like Two-Face, may choose to kill us with the flippant toss of a coin.
Fortunately, in the United States, your chances of being killed for talking about Jesus are very slim. That being said, you still have to be careful about how you go about it. I have discovered that if I bring up Jesus immediately, I get politely blown off and shooed away. So last night, I tried a more subtle approach at a local grocery store. I told the cashier and the bagger that the anniversary of the day that my best friend saved my life was coming up on April 20th. I then explained that my best friend had saved me by letting people drive nails through His hands and hang Him from a tree until He suffocated to death. Slowly, I worked around to saying that my best friend was the Christ, Jesus. Neither one of them came to faith, but the bagger listened intently to what I had to say. The cashier listened for a while, too, before she figured out who I was really talking about. If I had started preaching immediately, both of them would have probably blown me off with a curt "Have a nice day" before I could even finish the first sentence of my testimony.
Talking about Jesus is never easy. However, if you pick the right approach, you can at least get people to listen to your testimony.