Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ronda Rousey Prayer Project II Complete!

Last night, I focused on praying that Ronda Rousey would receive the gospel from Chris Weidman and his wife.  As I prayed, Fallon Fox came to mind.  I believe that after Ronda Rousey is saved, she is going to "pass it forward" and witness to Fallon Fox.  However, only God knows what the future holds. 

Earlier this morning, I read an article on Yahoo!Sports in which the Muhammad Ali of Women's MMA sternly rebuked a fan for asking a question about her sex life.  Does this mean that she has been born again yet?  No.  Nonetheless, it is a very positive sign.  As the second clip from a previous time period indicates, such a question would not have been handled with the same maturity that Rousey is showing now.  I'm now a big Ronda Rousey fan as a result and look forward to following her career further.

The following link goes to the article.  Please be aware that the second clip is somewhat raunchy.