I absolutely love music. However, it was only within the past few years that I found Christian music which I really love. Before I left for Peace Corps, most of the Christian music which I heard was a bunch of superficial fluff sung by eunuchs. On the surface, it had lyrics which praised God. However, none of it really had a deep meaning. In particular, I strongly disliked "Awesome God" and "It Is Good", the latter being played by one church I went to a horrendously fake Carribean beat. It was like listening to Christian versions of Katy Perry songs. So I dealt with it in the same way that I normally deal with superficial things: I walked away. I would turn off the radio when they came on and would zone out in that church when they played those songs.
Maire Brennan changed my mind. My friend Shrew let me play this woman's music while I created my class' graduation mural and she was so good that I decided to give Christian music another shot. Later, I discovered the song "We Are One" by 12 Stones and really came to enjoy it. Then a man named Patrick recommended Skillet to me and then, on a lark, I borrowed a Newsboys CD from the library and was blown away. Other favorites include "As For Me And My House" by John Waller and "Remind Me Who I am" by Jason Gray. Finally, I found Christian music which actually had meaning and substance. It also taught me a valuable lesson: never judge a whole genre based on a few screw-ups.