Milestones reached in Operation Abe Lincoln so far: 2
BBC Articles Read: "Man rescued by Birmingham riot-death brothers" (England), "Police in Northern Ireland consider using mini drones" (Northern Ireland), "MSPs clash over strike day plans" (Scotland), "Leveson inquiry: 'Brutal' for Charlotte Church's family" (Wales)
BBC Spanish Article: "Más cerca de los lagos de la luna de Júpiter" (Ciencia)
I actually read a lot more than that this week, but do you really want me to hunt through my notes and paste everything into one blog post?
Anyway, I was really interested in the Birmingham article in particular, because two of my British friends are originally from Birmingham. It was great to read about how Shazad Ali and Abdul Musavir were good Samaritans, rescuing Mohammed Akhtar after he was brutally beaten and carjacked. Those guys were truly heroic not only for that, but also for trying to stop the looters during the riots, and it is nice to read about people doing the right thing in the news and bravely giving their lives to defend others.
I typed up three more pages of "A Valiant Effort." Got to the part where me and my coworkers are doing a summer practicum, which was really fun. I also decided to appoint a mentor for Ian, one of Sandra's best friends. Now Sandra, Schyla, Toni, and Ian are all paired up with older girls for "Black Swan Origins: Nineveh." I now know where they get their respective personalities from. Sandra, like her mentor, is very protective and motherly, although she sometimes overdoes it. Schyla, like her mentor, is tough, hot-headed, and has a serious attitude problem, but always backs her friends when they need her. Toni, like her mentor, is very upbeat and funny. Ian, like her mentor, is very thoughtful, observant, and perceptive. Obviously, I am only leaking these details because these characters are copyrighted and already appeared in "Heart of Flesh." Everything else, you are just going to have to wait for.