Four Articles Read Today: "DJ and TV Presenter Jimmy Savile Dies, Aged 84" (England), "Belfast Talent Agent Banned For Not Paying Young Actors" (Northern Ireland), "Scottish Labour Leader Candidates Warned of 'Ugly' SNP" (Scotland), and "Cymdeithas Drops BBC Licence Fee Boycott" (Wales).
Obviously, the above titles retain their UK spelling.
Moving on, I am almost finished with reading "Gilgamesh." That's not exactly saying much; the footnotes and introduction of the book are longer than the epic itself. It's really a bit of a letdown and, in particular, there's one ridiculous section where a heroic figure is caught in what I will tactfully call an "excremental deluge" from a giant bull while he and his friend are trying to kill it. Never piss off Ishtar if you value your hygiene. However, I am getting some really cool names out of it to use in my stories, such as Humbaba, the monster that Gilgamesh and Enkidu kill in the Cedar Forest. Plus, when I'm done, I'll get to brag to everyone that I read "Gilgamesh." I guess that counts for something...
The description of the underworld, however, was really cool, and I'll definitely be borrowing some ideas from that. I already have incorporated Ereshkigal (whom I read about on the internet before starting this epic) and look forward to adding more Sumerian mythology into my series. It's going to be awesome!