Hello everyone,
I submitted "The Greater Good" today. It was a nice break from the dark, violent halls of Nineveh Academy and is more along the lines of the kind of fantasy which I used to write. I am thankful that I spent all those years learning karate and fencing because it really helped me add realism to the story.
Earlier today, I sketched a picture of Max, inspired by the photograph of Bane featured in this post. I can't wait to see "Dark Knight Rises" and although I was surprised that Bane was chosen to be the main villain over such bad guys as The Penguin and Mr. Freeze, I was sold after seeing this pic. Honestly, look at this sicko! Doesn't he look like he can snap Batman in half (like he did in the comics)? Also, after seeing Tom Hardy in the trailer to "Bronson", it is apparent that Bane isn't going to coast on his sick appearance alone. That guy scared the daylights out of me in just that 2 minute trailer, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was able to not only match, but surpass the legendary Heath Ledger with his acting in "Dark Knight Rises."
Speaking of villains, I wrote a small excerpt involving a confrontation between Max and her archnemesis, which made me shudder just typing it. The sadist manages to break Max without casting any violent spells or using any weapons. Aside from pinning her against the wall, she doesn't really lay a finger on her, mostly because she knows that she doesn't have too. My readers will probably hate me for what I let her do to Max, but I have to go through with it, anyway. Suffice it to say that she is a major testament to the fact that actions have consequences.
I am going to finish that picture in ink. It's my favorite art medium because it is so precise and detailed. I also love the strong shadows that you can do with it to add a dark and gritty feel to your subjects, be they people or buildings. I'll do more of other characters, but this one will, just the woman it portrays, will be unique among my creations.
(Photo from blog.movies.yahoo.com)